UK: Dry weather aids barley harvest
Barley harvesting in England has proceeded rapidly in this week’s dry weather, Farms Guardian reported August 10. Many growers have completed winter barley combining and are well into wheat crops. In Scotland recent rain has held up progress.
After a delayed start in East Anglia, Stephen Howlett, Grainfarmers regional general manager. said OSR yields were ‘substantially down’.
“However, winter barley yields and quality were only slightly below par, so barley is usable, but not outstanding,” said Mr Howlett, adding that winter barley harvesting was now completed in the area.
The weather in the North East picked up at the critical time, says Grainfarmers arable business manager, Nigel Britland. “The winter barley’s all in apart from a bit on the Wolds”
Around 70 per cent of the 55,000 hectares of winter barley had also been cut, with variable yields and quality reported.
10 August, 2007