Australia: Harvest hits full steam in South Australia
Grain has started to roll into ABB's South Australian receival sites at Port Pirie, Crystal Brook, Wallaroo and northern and western Eyre Peninsula, Stock Journal via FarmOnline reported October 15.
ABB's operations manager, Andrew Hannon, said the growing areas of the State that were traditionally the first to harvest were now getting into the full swing of deliveries.
"We've received our first lot of malting barley in Port Pirie," he said.
"Harvest is certainly a lot earlier than normal.
"The quality so far has been pretty good.
"The majority of barley we've received has been feed barley but it has been feed 1.
"The continuing hot, dry weather could have an impact on quality, but the quality has been OK so far."
Oats were delivered to ABB's Thevenard terminal from late September.
The first load of barley was delivered on October 4, one month earlier than the 2005-06 seasons.
17 October, 2007