UK: A new high-yielding hybrid variety of feed barley
Winter feed barley growers looking to make the most of buoyant grain prices will have a new high-yielding hybrid variety to choose from this autumn.
Syngenta Seeds launched Volume at this year's Cereals Event to join existing hybrids Boost and Bronx.
Robert Hiles, the company's head of UK cereals, said its launch had been fast-tracked to help growers make more of high grain prices by making seed available a year earlier than normal. It will be considered for HGCA recommendation later this year.
Mr Hiles said Volume exceeds the high yields associated with hybrid varieties. "It has the highest treated yield of all the winter barley varieties on the HGCA candidate table," he said. "At 112pc, this is a massive 12pc more than the mean-treated yield of the control varieties."
Mr Hiles said its specific weight, 68.4 kg/hl, is well above the traditional 63 kg/hl, which feed buyers look for and should give a high safety margin for growers looking to sell grain off the farm.
01 July, 2008