Australia: Two new barley varieties granted malting accreditation
Barley Australia announced on April, 10 that malting barley accreditation status has been granted to two new varieties: Bass (WABAR2315) and Navigator (WI4262).
This accreditation follows extensive malting testing and trialing around Australia and brewing trials through Pilot Brewing Australia, under the Australian barley industry’s Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC).
Barley Australia is the peak industry body charged with the responsibility of national varietal accreditation for malting barley.
Barley Australia chairman, Mr. Andrew Gee says the evaluation programme and the accreditation result means that there are now two more Australian varieties available for the market to now assess and develop for brewing for domestic and export markets.
Bass barley was bred by Dr. Reg Lance from Intergrain and is targeted as an export variety.
Navigator barley is from the Waite Institute in South Australia and is targeted for domestic brewing, with potential for export use.
Seeds for Bass and Navigator will be available for this coming season planting and are obtainable from Intergrain and Viterra Seeds respectively.
25 April, 2012