USA: AMBA updates recommended malting barley varieties list
The American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) Board of Directors has added LCS Violetta to the recommended list of malting barley varieties for 2019, the Craft Brewing Business reported on July 9.
LCS Violetta, a winter two-row malting variety, was developed by Saatzucht Breun in Germany and is marketed in the United States by Limagrain Cereal Seeds. It has performed well in the mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions, but may not perform as well in the upper Midwest and northeast during severe winters.
With this change, the list of recommended malting barley varieties for 2019 is as follows:
•AAC Synergy
•ABI Growler
•ABI Voyager
•AC Metcalfe
•Bill Coors 100
•CDC Copeland
•LCS Genie
•LCS Violetta*
•Merit 57
•Moravian 37
•Moravian 69
•Moravian 165
•ND Genesis
*winter barley variety
12 July, 2019