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E-Malt.com Newsletter 27b
July 03 - July 06, 2008
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Quote of the week

"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 04-July-2008

1 EUR = 1.5828 USD
1 EUR = 0.7963 GBP
1 EUR = 1.6076 CAD
1 EUR = 1.6465 AUD
1 EUR = 168.2 JPY
1 EUR = 2.5476 BRL
1 EUR = 37.1041 RUB
1 EUR = 10.8773 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 04-July-2008

1 USD = 0.6318 EUR
1 USD = 0.5031 GBP
1 USD = 1.0156 CAD
1 USD = 1.0402 AUD
1 USD = 106.272 JPY
1 USD = 1.6095 BRL
1 USD = 23.4415 RUB
1 USD = 6.872 CNY
Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Average Market Prices Change trend

July 04, 2008

Type Crop 2007 Crop 2008
2rs Barley nq   €246.0-248.0 0.40%
6rw Barley nq   €219.0-221.0 0.90%
2rs Malt €530.5-532.5 €492.5-494.5 0.20%
6rw Malt €497.5-499.5 €458.5-460.5 0.43%
Feed Barley €175.0-177.0 nq  

Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis. Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Ukraine: SABMiller plc completes the acquisition of Sarmat Brewery ...Click here
USA: Anheuser-Busch fights shareholder lawsuits ...Click here
Belgium: InBev hires managers for stock sale to fund Anheuser-Busch bid ...Click here
Germany: Beer prices going up influenced by higher energy and raw materials costs ...Click here
Vietnam: Gannon Group to build a $90 million brewery ...Click here
UK: Greene King has become the UK's largest listed brewer reporting a rise in annual profits despite challenges ...Click here
China: Yanjing Brewery wins the green light for private share sale ...Click here
World: It is not easy at this moment to make a clear forecast on malt prices for the new campaign ...Click here
Europe: Prospects are favourable for a good crop of malting barley, analysts said ...Click here
Canada: Barley outlook 2008-2009 pessimistic ...Click here
EU: With the French and German barley harvest under way and the UK expecting to start next week, traders are optimistic ...Click here

Romania: Bere Azuga invests EUR 20 M in beer and still water production facilities ...More Info
USA: The merger of Redhook Ale Brewery and Widmer Brothers Brewing completed forming Craft Brewers Alliance, Inc ...More Info
Philippines: San Miguel first five months’ net profit surpasses full-yr 2007 ...More Info
UK: Brahma brushed aside for Inbev Stella drive ...More Info
Uganda: Nile Breweries to build a new $28m brewing line ...More Info
Singapore: Asia Pacific Breweries CEO resigns ...More Info
UK: SABMiller reinitiated with "hold" ...More Info
Kenya: Beer and cigarettes the key contributions to country’s economic growth ...More Info
Estonia: Commercials don’t influence beer consumption ...More Info
Nigeria: Nigerian Breweries donates N.5m to host community ...More Info
Australia: Disease destroys South Australian barley crops ...More Info
Go to our news database with more than 13048 articles.
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Brewery News

Ukraine: SABMiller plc completes the acquisition of Sarmat Brewery

SABMiller plc announced on July 4th that, following recent approval from the Ukrainian competition authorities, it has now completed the acquisition of 99.84% interest in the Ukrainian brewer CJSC Sarmat (“Sarmat”).

Sarmat is one of the largest brewers in the Ukraine and will operate one brewery in Donetsk in the east of the country with an annual production capacity of 2.9 million hectolitres, producing the Sarmat, Dnipro and Drive Max brands.

Igor Tikhonov will be appointed Managing Director of Sarmat, having previously been Managing Director CIS at SABMiller RUS. Commenting on the appointment, James Wilson, Managing Director of SABMiller RUS said, “I am confident that with Igor’s extensive experience and knowledge we will be able to deliver strong results in the Ukraine and benefit from this fast growing and attractive market.”

SABMiller will initially focus on upgrading Sarmat’s facilities in accordance with its world class global manufacturing standards to increase the operational efficiency and overall effectiveness of the business. SABMiller will also seek to immediately strengthen the existing Sarmat brands and then in the medium term introduce a selection of its international and regional worthmore brands into the Ukraine.

This acquisition represents SABMiller’s entry into one of the fastest growing beer markets globally ...More Info

USA: Anheuser-Busch fights shareholder lawsuits

Attorneys for Anheuser-Busch Cos. argued Wednesday, July 2nd, that two shareholder lawsuits in the brewer's hometown should be suspended while a Delaware judge considers nearly a dozen similar lawsuits related to the possible takeover by rival brewer InBev, according to Associated Press.

If the lawsuits are suspended in Missouri, it means Delaware will become the central focus for frustrated shareholders who say Anheuser-Busch's board of directors is hurting the company's long-term stock value by not accepting InBev's offer.

The Belgian brewer's offer price of $46 billion amounts to $65 a share for Anheuser-Busch stockholders, a premium over the company's $50 share price before market speculation about InBev's offer began to drive the price up. Anheuser-Busch has rejected InBev's offer, laying out a plan to drive up its stock price within a few years by cutting costs and increasing prices.

Shareholders have a right to sue a company's board of directors if they feel the directors aren't acting in the interest of all those who own its stock. The suits could put more pressure on Anheuser-Busch's board. InBev has indicated it will take its offer directly to shareholders, who can overrule the board.

The shareholder lawsuits keep piling up, even as Anheuser-Busch and InBev spar ...More Info

Belgium: InBev hires managers for stock sale to fund Anheuser-Busch bid

Belgian brewer InBev hired JPMorgan Chase & Co., BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank AG as lead managers for a stock sale to help fund its proposed $46.3 billion takeover of Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc., Belgian newspaper De Tijd reported on June 2 as per St. Louis Business Journal.

Without disclosing how it obtained its information, De Tijd reported that Fortis, ING Groep NV, Royal Bank of Scotland and Banco Santander SA also were appointed as joint managers.

It is not known how much InBev plans to raise by selling stock, according to the publication. An InBev spokeswoman was not immediately available for comment.

InBev informed Anheuser-Busch June 25 that it paid approximately $50 million in commitment fees to its lending group, demonstrating its resolve to make a deal happen.

The company's lending group is comprised of Banco Santander, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Fortis, ING Bank, JP Morgan, Mizuho Corporate Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland.

Anheuser-Busch director Douglas Warner III was chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York until he retired in November 2001.

On June 26, Anheuser-Busch formally rejected InBev's proposal, calling the $65-per-share offer "financially inadequate and not in the best interests ...More Info

Germany: Beer prices going up influenced by higher energy and raw materials costs

With rising energy costs and the increased price of hops and malt, German breweries have been spending some 8 percent more to make their products, said German Brewery Federation chief Peter Hahn on July 2nd, according to Associated Press.

That will now be passed on to the consumer, with price hikes in the range of 50 euro cents (80 U.S. cents) to €1 (US$1.60) per case of 20 beers, Hahn said.

He added that further increases could not be ruled out, if the price of energy and raw materials continues to rise.

Vietnam: Gannon Group to build a $90 million brewery

The U.S. Gannon Group will spend $90 million to build and operate a brewing facility near Ho Chi Minh City, according to Thomson Financial News. The company announced on June 3 it was granted a licence by Vietnam.

The facility will manufacture and produce beer and other aerated drinks for distribution in Vietnam and export through Southeast Asia, the company said. 'Vietnam is one of the fastest growing beverage markets in the world and beer is leading that charge,' said Gannon chief executive officer Walter Blocker. 'In a country where demand, especially for premium products, is surging, it's imperative that it be in a position to supply.'

Besides beverage production, Gannon Vietnam Limited, an affiliate of Gannon International, has operations including labelling, packaging, warehousing, logistics, industrial leasing and infrastructure development.

UK: Greene King has become the UK's largest listed brewer reporting a rise in annual profits despite challenges

Brewer and pub owner Greene King has reported a rise in annual profits despite facing what it said was an "unprecedented set of challenges".

Financial Highlights �� Revenue £960.5m, +5% �� Operating profit* £236.2m, +8%; +4.5% excluding acquisitions �� Operating profit margin* 24.6%, +0.8 percentage points �� Profit before tax* £142.0m, +2% �� Adjusted earnings per share* 74.0p, +14% �� Dividend per share 26.0p, +14% �� Free cash flow £31.1m after capital expenditure and dividend �� Successful £350m securitisation tap (post year end); no further refinancing needed until 2012

Business Highlights �� Retail Operating profit* +5% Strong growth in food: now 34% of sales Loch Fyne successfully integrated and trading well �� Pub Partners Operating profit* per pub +8% Operating profit margin* +3.1 percentage points �� Belhaven Operating profit* +18% Food sales +31% �� Brewing Company Own-brewed volume +6% Market share gains in on- and off-trade

Rooney Anand, Greene King chief executive, comments: “The year saw an unprecedented set of challenges for the industry but I am pleased to report exceptional performance across the business. Our results in Scotland, with operating profit up 18% in the second year of the smoking ban, give me some encouragement for future prospects in England. The economy is not likely to improve in the short term, and we are not immune to the difficulties this presents for ...More Info

China: Yanjing Brewery wins the green light for private share sale

China's largest beer producer by sales, Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co, said on June 3rd it has received green light from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to privately place A shares for RMB 1.79 billion, according to China Knowledge.

Yanjing Brewery plans to issue 85 million to 100 million A shares to about 10 of its major shareholders at a price of RMB 17.88 a share, to fund capacity expansion, according to a statement the company filed with the Shenzhen bourse in May.

Parent Beijing Yanjing Brewery Group Corp has agreed to subscribe at least 50% of the new shares on offer, with a lock-up period of 36 months, the statement said. The remaining shares, with a shorter lock-up period of 12 months, are to be offered to other shareholders.

Yanjing Brewery aims to consolidate its leading position in the domestic beer market by expanding capacity, according to market sources.

Currently, Yanjing Brewery, Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd<600600><168> and China Resource Brewery Co Ltd together have a share of about 40% in China's beer market.

Yanjing Brewery is principally engaged in manufacture and sale of beer, mineral water, cola drinks and beer raw materials, etc., under its trademark 'Yanjing'. It also trades ...More Info

Malt News

World: It is not easy at this moment to make a clear forecast on malt prices for the new campaign

New crop price levels have gained at least EUR 10,- per ton from their lowest level some weeks ago. Brewers and maybe also maltsters and traders had waited for lower malting barley markets, which did not happen to-date, market analysts commented. It is not easy at this moment to make a clear forecast on malt prices for the new campaign, but in general prices look steady to firm.

What are the reasons? 1) General grain markets give a solid fundament for the market of malting barley. 2) Farmers have a much higher production of cost of grains and oilseeds due to the cost of seed, fertilizer, herbicides and diesel. 3) In case of disappointingly low premiums of malting barley above feed barley and wheat, a strong acreage reduction would occur in 2009. 4) Maltsters have sold a high percentage (80 %?) of their capacities for 2009. They are also confronted by the constantly rising cost of energy and transport. 5) Malting capacities are lower than demand at present. The economic boom in China, India and Arab countries and the beer boom in many parts of the world filled order books of construction companies for years to come, and malthouse construction ...More Info

Barley News

Europe: Prospects are favourable for a good crop of malting barley, analysts said

Southern Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to the Balkans had exceptionally abundant precipitation. Recently heavy rains and storms led to lodging of barley fields in some regions.

France and England planted very early and recorded continuous rainfalls during the vegetation period. The situation was not quite as good in South Germany, but a fair crop is still possible. Early tests show low proteins and good plumpness of barley, it looks as if Europe can supply quality barley and malt in 2008/09.

A question is, whether the six-row winter barley Cervoise can shed its bad reputation of a compromise variety. Cervoise represents about 40 % equal 600 -700.000 tons of the French winter barley deliveries.

The Baltic Sea countries planted late because of heavy rains in March and April and then suffered from very dry conditions, which have just come to an end. However, some damage seems irreversible. In our S/D we show fairly reliable figures for Western Europe and doubtful receival and surplus numbers for Denmark and Sweden. Local experts in the countries from Southern Poland, Czech and Austria down to Romania and Bulgaria expect quite some cross border trade, but altogether neither a large surplus nor a deficit.

The ...More Info

Canada: Barley outlook 2008-2009 pessimistic

The area seeded to barley for 2008-2009 is estimated by Statistics Canada to have decreased by 17%, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada published on July 2. Barley production is forecast to decrease by 10%, as the decline in area is partly offset by higher yields. Supply is expected to fall by 11% due to slightly lower carry-in stocks.

Total barley exports are expected to decrease significantly due to lower exports of feed barley. Carry-out stocks are forecast to decrease slightly to a record low level. The average off-Board feed barley price (No. 1 CW I/S Lethbridge) is forecast to increase from 2007-08 due to lower supply and higher US feed grain prices.

EU: With the French and German barley harvest under way and the UK expecting to start next week, traders are optimistic

Barley harvest has started in France and parts of Germany, with yields apparently up on last year and quality in line with expectations, Farmers Weekly Interactive cited Glencore's Nick Oakhill on July 3.

"Harvest prices still look good, but the biggest thing that could put downward pressure on UK prices will be crop quality. If we get good weather and quality, it puts us in a healthy position for selling the expected 3m-tonne exportable surplus. But if we get a poor run, that surplus will have to compete with cheap supplies from eastern Europe and the Black Sea regions."

With the European barley harvest under way and the UK expected to start in some south-eastern areas next week, traders are optimistic about prospects for new-season crops

Wheat production across the EU-27 was likely to hit 130m tonnes, compared with 111m tonnest last year, David Sheppard of Gleadell said. "There will be some rebuilding of world stocks by 15-20m tonnes, but if all crop predictions come in, we will see prices come down."

Barley production was expected to be 5.6m tonnes, up 0.5m tonnes on 2007/08, leaving an exportable surplus (malting and feed) of just under 1m tonnes, he said.

Ongoing speculation over crop size ...More Info

Scientific Digest

Performance of Husked, Acid Dehusked and Hull-less Barley and Malt in Relation to Alcohol Production

R. C. Agu, T. A. Bringhurst and J. M. Brosnan

J. Inst. Brew. 114(1), 62–68, 2008 Studies carried out on normal husked barley, normal hull-less (naked) barley, acid dehusked barley and acid dehusked hull-less barley, as well as the malts derived from them, showed that when acid dehusked barley samples (obtained from either husked or hull-less barley), were processed using commercial enzyme preparations, they produced more alcohol when compared with the alcohol yield obtained from the barley samples from which the acid dehusked samples were derived. When the husked (Optic) control, acid dehusked and hull-less barley samples were malted, Optic control barley produced malt that gave higher dextrinising units (DU) and diastatic power (DP), whilst acid dehusked Optic and hull-less barley produced malts that gave similar DU results on day 5 of the germination time. When mashed, acid dehusked (Optic) barley malt produced wort that filtered faster than the wort obtained from the malt made from hull-less barley. This observation is very important because it shows that the husk of the barley is not the only factor that determines the filtration performance of the malted barley, since both the malt samples made from husked and acid dehusked barley had similar filtration rates on day 5 of the germination time. The slow filtration rate observed for the wort made from hull-less barley suggests that other factors play some role during the filtration of the mash made from hull-less barley malt. Although hull-less malt appeared to develop lower DU and DP enzyme activities, when compared with the values obtained for the Optic control, hull-less barley malted faster and produced optimum predicted spirit yield (PSY) at day 4 of the germination time. In contrast, the control husked Optic barley malt that had higher DU and DP produced equivalent (optimum) predicted spirit yield one day later at 5 days germination time. This is an advantage for hull-less barley, both in terms of time and energy saving during the malting of barley. Although the acid dehusked Optic barley produced more alcohol than the husked control when commercial enzyme preparation was used to process barley, it was surprising that when the derived malt was assessed, it gave a lower predicted spirit yield than the husked control, even though it produced a higher amount of hot water extract (HWE). The higher extract yield and lower predicted spirit yield obtained from the malt made from acid dehusked malt confirmed that high extract yield is not necessarily associated with high fermentable extract. Key words: Alcohol yield, acid de-husked barley, barley, diastatic power, dextrinising unit, filtration rate, hull-less barley. ... Load full article, 6 pages, 1504 Kb, PDF file

Barley Prices

French Malting Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.5828 July 04, 2008 
 Crop year   2007   2008 
 Parity   FOB Creil   FOB Creil 
 Position   July 2007   July 2008 
Type   Variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  nq  nq  249.00  394.50 
2RS  Prestige  nq  nq  248.00  392.50 
2RS  Cellar  nq  nq  247.00  391.00 
2RS  Sebastien  nq  nq  246.00  389.50 
2RS  Tipple  nq  nq  246.00  389.50 
2RS  Henley  nq  nq  246.00  389.50 
6RW  Esterel   nq  nq  220.00  348.50 

French Feed Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.5828 July 04, 2008
Crop year 2007
Parity FOB Creil
Position July 2007
Feed Barley 176.00 279.00

Prices for Danish malting barley are available
on site www.e-malt.com/MarketPrices

Theoretical Malt Prices

EURO = USD 1.5828 July 04, 2008
Crop year  2007 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  July 2008 - Sep 2008 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  533.50  844.50  557.50  882.50  549.50  869.50  563.50  891.50 
2RS  Prestige  532.50  842.50  556.50  880.50  548.00  867.50  562.50  890.00 
2RS  Cellar  531.50  841.00  555.00  878.50  547.00  865.50  561.00  888.00 
2RS  Sebastien  530.00  839.00  553.50  876.50  545.50  863.50  559.50  886.00 
2RS  Tipple  530.00  839.00  553.50  876.50  545.50  863.50  559.50  886.00 
2RS  Henley  530.00  839.00  553.50  876.50  545.50  863.50  559.50  886.00 
2RS   Average price  531.50  841.00  555.00  878.50  547.00  865.50  561.00  888.00 
6RW  Esterel   498.50  790.50  523.00  827.50  515.00  815.00  529.00  837.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  521.50  825.50  545.50  863.00  537.50  850.50  551.50  872.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  515.50  815.50  539.00  853.00  531.00  840.00  545.00  862.50 

EURO = USD 1.5828 July 04,2008 
Crop year  2008 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  Oct 2008 - Sept 2009 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO USD EURO  USD EURO USD  EURO  USD
2RS  Scarlett  496.00  784.50  519.50  822.50  511.50  809.50  525.50  831.50 
2RS  Prestige  494.50  783.00  518.50  820.50  510.00  807.50  524.50  830.00 
2RS  Cellar  493.50  781.00  517.00  818.50  509.00  805.50  523.00  828.00 
2RS  Sebastien  492.00  779.00  516.00  816.50  507.50  803.50  522.00  826.00 
2RS  Tipple  492.00  779.00  516.00  816.50  507.50  803.50  522.00  826.00 
2RS  Henley  492.00  779.00  516.00  816.50  507.50  803.50  522.00  826.00 
2RS   Average price  493.50  781.00  517.00  818.50  509.00  805.50  523.00  828.00 
6RW  Esterel   459.50  728.50  484.00  765.50  475.50  753.00  490.00  775.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  483.50  765.00  507.00  802.50  499.00  789.50  513.00  812.00 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  477.00  754.50  500.50  792.00  492.50  779.00  506.50  801.50 

NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost, THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs. This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.

* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Table of the Week

Europe Barley Crop Estimate 2008 (June, 2008)

Country Year BARLEY thereof SPRING BARLEY
1000 ha
1000 t
1000 ha
1000 t
Austria 2008 184 56.8 1,046 100 50.0 502
2007 193 41.9 809 119 32.7 389
Belgium/Lux. 2008 64 75.0 480 8 60.0 48
2007 58 65.0 377 8 60.0 48
Denmark 2008 715 44.3 3 167 586 42.0 2 461
2007 628 49.1 3 085 459 48.8 2 240
Finland 2008 614 32.0 1 965 614 30.0 1 965
2007 550 36.0 1 980 550 36.0 1 980
France 2008 1 750 65.0 11 375 525 59.0 3 098
2007 1 705 55.5 9 463 519 51.9 2 694
Germany 2008 1 955 57.1 11 163 530 44.0 2 332
2007 1 934 54.2 10 478 496 42.7 2 118
Greece 2006 135 22.5 304      
2007 200 15.0 300      
Ireland 2008 182 67.7 1 232 14 60.0 1 056
2007 158 62.0 1 982 141 60.0 846
Italy 2008 340 38.2 1 299      
2007 335 34.3 1 149      
Netherlands 2008 48 62.4 300 44 62.7 273
2007 45 57.7 260 41 56.6 232
Portugal 2008 52 21.0 109      
2007 40 19.0 76      
Spain 2008 3 385 32.4 10 967 2 770 33.0 9 138
2007 3 220 36.0 11 592 2 537 37.3 9 463
Sweden 2008 407 35.4 1 441 396 32.4 1 282
2007 320 44.9 1 437 312 44.6 1 392
U.K. 2008 987 56.7 5 956 548 53.5 2 932
2007 885 58.2 5 151 507 55.3 2 804
TOTAL EU-15 2008 10 818 46.6 50 444 6 281 39.9 25 087
2007 10 271 45.9 47 138 5 689 42.5 24 205
Cyprus 2008 50 16.0 80      
2007 40 20.0 80      
Czech Rep. 2008 512 42.9 2 196 376 41.0 1 572
2007 499 38.5 1 921 369 35.3 1 303
Estonia 2008 144 22.0 317 142 22.0 312
2007 141 26.4 372 139 26.5 368
Hungary 2008 295 40.0 1 180 130 32.5 423
2007 329 32.4 1 053 142 25.8 366
Latvia 2008 142 23.1 328 135 23.0 311
2007 145 23.2 336 140 23.0 322
Lithuania 2008 379 24.3 921 365 24.0 876
2007 375 27.2 1 020 365 27.0 986
Malta 2008 1 26.0 3      
2007 1 26.0 3      
Poland 2008 1 175 29.7 3 490 1 010 28.3 2 858
2007 1 235 32.9 4 063 1 061 32.1 3 406
Slovakia 2008 210 34.3 720 190 34.0 646
2007 204 33.2 677 185 33.0 611
Slovenia 2008 21 36.4 77 3.0 30 9.0
2007 20 36.8 74
Romania 2008 350 28.9 1 012 150 24.0 360
2007 300 8.6 258 160 6.5 104
Bulgaria 2008 210 34.3 720 25 28.0 70
2007 190 17.8 338 25 10.0 25
TOTAL EU - 27 2008 14 307 43 61487 8 807 37 32 493
2007 13 750 41.8 57 522 8 278 38.4 31 766
Serbia 2008 100 28.2 282 40 22.5 90
2007 95 27.6 262 35 20.0 70
Croatia 2008 54 40.0 216      
2007 59 35.6 210      
Bosnia 2008 15 25.0 38      
2007 15 24.5 37      
Macedonia 2008 40 22.5 90      
2007 40 22.5 90      
Albania 2008 10 30.0 30      
2007 10 30.0 30    
TOTAL Non - EU 2008 219 29.9 656 40 22.5 90
2007 219 28.7 629 35 20.0 70
TOTAL EUROPE 31 2008 14 526 42.8 62 143 8 847 36.8 32 583
2007 13 969 41.6 58 151 8 313 38.3 31 836
Source: COCERAL, Brussels, June, 2008
Graph of the Week

These Days in Business History
02 July
1889 - To regulate commercial trusts and monopolies, Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlaws any "combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade."
1921 - 1st million dollar gate ($1.7m) boxing match (Dempsey KOs Carpentier).
1957 - 1st submarine designed to fire guided missiles launched, Grayback.

03 July
1790 - In Paris, the marquis of Condorcet proposed granting civil rights to women.
1878 - John Wise flew the first dirigible in Lancaster, PA.
1886 - 1st New York Tribune printing using 1st commercial linotype machine.
1886 - In Germany, Karl Benz drives 1st automobile.
1903 - The first cable across the Pacific Ocean was spliced between Honolulu, Midway, Guam and Manila.
1928 - 1st color TV broadcast in London (John Logic Baird).

04 July
1776 - The U.S. declared independence from Great Britain.
1876 - 1st public exhibition of electric light in SF.
1884 - The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States in Paris.
1886 - 1st scheduled transcontinental passenger train reaches Pt Moody, BC.
1952 - Canadain Currency, Mint and Exchange Fund Act allows gold coins of $5, $10, and $20 to be minted.

05 July
1643 - 1st recorded tornado in U.S. (Essex County, Massachusetts)
1841 - Thomas Cook opens 1st travel agency
1922 - 1st general election in Netherlands
1948 - The British government adopts the National Health Service Act

06 July
1785 - Congress resolves US currency named "dollar" and adopts decimal coinage.
1885 - Louis Pasteur successfully tests an anti-rabies vaccine.
1886 - Horlick's of Wisconsin offers 1st malted milk to public.
1907 - Opening of Brooklands, in England - the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit.
1924 - 1st photo sent experimentally across Atlantic by radio, U.S. – England.
1928 - In New York, the screening of the first film to include sound - 'The Lights of New York'.
