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E-Malt.com Newsletter 40a
September 29 - October 01, 2008
Click here to get full size Newsletter

Quote of the week

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
John Quincy Adams
Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 01-October-2008

1 EUR = 1.4295 USD
1 EUR = 0.7947 GBP
1 EUR = 1.5029 CAD
1 EUR = 1.7877 AUD
1 EUR = 149.905 JPY
1 EUR = 2.7749 BRL
1 EUR = 36.613 RUB
1 EUR = 9.903 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 01-October-2008

1 USD = 0.6997 EUR
1 USD = 0.556 GBP
1 USD = 1.0514 CAD
1 USD = 1.2505 AUD
1 USD = 104.888 JPY
1 USD = 1.9412 BRL
1 USD = 25.6133 RUB
1 USD = 6.9279 CNY
Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Average Market Prices Change trend

October 1, 2008

Type Crop 2008 Crop 2009
2rs Barley EUR157.0-159.0 1.86% EUR173.0-175.0 2.79%
6rw Barley EUR148.0-150.0 1.97% EUR160.0-162.0 1.83%
2rs Malt EUR394.5-396.5 0.25% EUR404.0-406.0 1.10%
6rw Malt EUR382.5-384.5 0.26% EUR387.0-389.0 0.39%
Feed Barley EUR135.0-137.0 nq   

Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis. Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Belgium: InBev shareholders vote for Anheuser-Busch buyout ...Click here
United Kingdom & Russia: SABMiller brewery construction granted the status of priority investment project ...Click here
United States: If the right opportunity to buy comes up, we will take advantage – Molson Coors chief executive ...Click here
Poland: Carlsberg Polska increases sales revenue by 8% in the first half of 2008 ...Click here
Australia & Russia: Coopers ships the first consignment of malt to Russia hoping for a long-term presence on the huge potential market ...Click here
United States: Elevator cash prices for malting barley to hold steady, feed barley to decline pressured by good barley crops in many regions of the world ...Click here
Canada: Feed barley down C$23, malting barley decreases by C$13 in CWB’s PRO for the 2008/09 crop year ...Click here
Australia: Grain Pool’s estimated pool return for feed barley drops by AU$10 per tonne ...Click here
Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy sets minimum and maximum purchasing prices for barley ...Click here

The Netherlands & Romania: After completing the merger with Beer Mures, Heineken Romania to have a 30% share of the nation’s beer market ...More Info
Ireland: Barley growers frustrated with prices Glanbia set for their production ...More Info
Malaysia: Guinness Anchor Bhd brewerya expects further difficulties on a beer market which has seen no growth during the last 14 years ...More Info
United Kingdom: Diageo announces top management changes ...More Info
Switzerland: Feldschlösschen brewery to increase prices by 4.5% from the beginning of 2009 ...More Info
Namibia: Namibia Breweries reports a successful financial year ended June, 30 ...More Info
Russia: SABMiller to discover a vein of gold for the entire beer industry if its Peroni Nastro Azzuro becomes popular with Russian consumers ...More Info
India: Carlsberg to make its Okocim Palone beer available across India ...More Info
Belgium: Duvel-Moorgat sells Straffe Hendrik beer back to its founder ...More Info
Canada: Brick Brewing to receive government financial support among other small brewers in Ontario ...More Info
Australia: A research by the Department of Agriculture to determine which barley species are more tolerant to frost ...More Info
Go to our news database with more than 13624 articles.
Today with the possibility to be translated in 7 different languages!

Brewery News

Belgium: InBev shareholders vote for Anheuser-Busch buyout

InBev SA shareholders approved the company’s US$52 billion (€32.8 billion) takeover of Anheuser-Busch at an extraordinary general meeting which took place on September, 29, the brewing giant reported on its official website.

They also approved changing the company's name to Anheuser-Busch InBev and a capital increase and share issue that would raise up to US$10 billion (€6.9 billion) to pay for part of the deal.

That covers the existing equity bridge financing of US$9.8 billion in place since the deal was announced in July, InBev says, with an extra margin to cover any major currency fluctuations until the company decides the detail of the share issue.

Besides, InBev’s shareholders approved the appointment of Anheuser-Busch chief executive August Busch IV as a director in the new company and changing control of Anheuser-Busch's existing US$45 billion senior credit facility and the equity bridge financing of US$9.8 billion.

InBev had already said its controlling shareholder - Stichting InBev, which owns a 52 percent stake - backed these changes with the support of at least another 11 percent.

Stichting InBev is controlled by three Brazilian financiers - including the investment banker and billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann - and a group of Belgian aristocratic families.

The takeover ...More Info

United Kingdom & Russia: SABMiller brewery construction granted the status of priority investment project

The construction project of SABMiller RUS brewery in Russia’s Ulyanovsk region was given the status of “priority investment project in the Ulyanovsk region” by the regional authorities, Prime-Tass reported on September, 29.

The priority status gives SABMiller the right for tax benefits, as well as for support and advisement from the region’s authorities.

SABMiller RUS announced its decision to build a new high-tech brewery in the Ulyanovsk region in March 2007. Direct investments in the development of the region are expected to exceed $220 mln - $50 mln more than it was reported previously. The facility’s initial power will be 3 mln hl of beer annually, and the inauguration of the brewery is planned for spring 2009.

SABMiller’s Russian unit already owns two breweries in the country – in Kaluga and Vladivostok. Its portfolio includes such popular international brands as Miller Genuine Draft, Pilsner Urquell, Velkopopovicky Kozel, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Grolsch and a leading local brand Zolotaya Bochka, as well as the licensed Redd’s and Holsten.

United States: If the right opportunity to buy comes up, we will take advantage – Molson Coors chief executive

Peter Swinburn, the new chief executive officer of Molson Coors Brewing Co., said the company has now improved its shareholder value in the last three years by 90%, ReportonBusiness.com published on September, 29.

According to Mr Swinburn, the company is now in a very good position with cash, so if the the right opportunities come up, Molson Coors would like to take advantage.

As to the question where the company was looking to buy, the CEO answered: “We will not be myopic. We will look to where the advantages are. We want depth rather than breadth, so we will look to a position where we would be No. 1 or No. 2 in a market if that came up. We're not interested in just planting the flag for the sake of it.”

Peter Swinburn said a full merger with SABMiller might create truly global scale. “It would be a deal that would create value,” he said, “but the issue is we're not in that market. We are in the market of making sure we grow our company just as Miller wants to grow its company and so we will be competitors outside the U.S.”

“The deal in the U.S. made sense for both parents; ...More Info

Poland: Carlsberg Polska increases sales revenue by 8% in the first half of 2008

Carlsberg Polska reported that in the first half of 2008 it sold 2.23 mln hl of beer, which is comparable with the results achieved last year, the Polish Market posted on September, 29.

The brewer’s sales revenue increased by 8% year on year to PLN488.2 mln (€145.3 mln). Operating profit grew by 32%, reaching PLN33 mln (€9.8 mln).

The increase in profitability resulted from the dynamic growth of the premium brands Carlsberg and Okocim, in addition to improved effectiveness, the company said.

Carlsberg was the main sponsor of UEFA EURO 2008. The numerous promotional activities relating to the event led to a 35% boost in sales, which increased the market share of the company to 2.5% in terms of value and gave it pride of place on the international premium beer market in Poland.

Harnas remains the most prominent of Carlsberg’s brands in Poland, it is reported. The company also introduced a new seasonal variety of Kasztelan – Kasztelan Niepasteryzowane (non-pasteurised beer), and Bosman beer has now new labelling.

According to experts, sales volume growth in the beer industry in Poland fell short of expectations because of an increase in the prices of raw materials. Nevertheless, Carlsberg Polska succeeded in strengthening its position ...More Info

Malt News

Australia & Russia: Coopers ships the first consignment of malt to Russia hoping for a long-term presence on the huge potential market

A shipment of 23 tonnes of malt extract produced by Coopers is due to arrive in Vostochniy, a major port at the eastern end of the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia, in the next few days, the maltster reported on October, 1.

Coopers marketing manager, brewing products Scott Harris, said the malt extract that had been ordered was going to be used in the production of beer.

“The order was for a lighter colour of malt extract to suit the beer style required,” he said. “We are hopeful this will develop as a long-term contract for Coopers.”

Harris said the Russian sale had been arranged through agents in Australia and was the first time Coopers had exported malt extract into that country.

“Russia is a huge potential market and we are hopeful we can build our business further in coming months,” he said.

Coopers is Australia's largest producer of malt extract and already exports to food producers in the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea and India, as well as throughout Australia.

Barley News

United States: Elevator cash prices for malting barley to hold steady, feed barley to decline pressured by good barley crops in many regions of the world

Elevator cash prices for both feed and malting barley continued to retreat now that the 2008 harvest is completed in the region, but for differing reasons. Since feed barley prices are tied to corn prices, the recent decline in that commodity has had a negative impact on feed barley prices, Larry Raap, grain merchandiser for Sun Prairie Grain in Minot, was quoted as saying by Farm & Ranch Guide on September, 25.

Malting barley, on the other hand, has seen little movement, since the maltsters are pretty well filled up at this time. This lower spot demand has softened the malting barley prices.

“It seems like there is enough barley for right now,” Raap said. “The crop around here was larger than anybody anticipated. Although I don't have exact yield figures, I would say there were many places where the average was over 70 (bushels per acre), and overall the quality will be fine.”

Raap said there were some issues with the early seeded barley in relation to the plump where there might be some minor discounts. Because there wasn't a VOM issue this year, it's just plump or protein that is of concern.

“It's hard to move malting barley right now because they ...More Info

Canada: Feed barley down C$23, malting barley decreases by C$13 in CWB’s PRO for the 2008/09 crop year

Canadian Wheat Board released its September Pool Return Outlook (PRO) for the 2008 – 2009 crop year on its official website on September, 25.

Feed barley prices decreased by C$23 and designated barley declined C$13 from the mid-September PRO, the Board reported.

The global grain trade is closely linked to international financial markets for currency, credit, and other commodities. Recent extraordinary events are creating high levels of volatility and uncertainty in all markets. These events are also having a negative impact on global economic growth and are changing the buying behaviour of grain customers. These conditions are expected to take some time to stabilize and have the potential to significantly impact overall pool, the Board said.

PRO Commentary

Feed barley

Feed barley prices in North America dropped during the past month due to the ongoing barley harvest, with good yields in Canada and the United States. Corn futures values have dropped by almost five per cent since the last forecast. Export competition from Europe and the Black Sea region, each with larger crops than 2007, has pressured international prices against limited buying interest in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern markets. Dryness in Australia is still providing limited support for international values.

Designated barley

International malting barley prices ...More Info

Australia: Grain Pool’s estimated pool return for feed barley drops by AU$10 per tonne

The Estimated Pool Return for Grain Pool's No.1 Feed Barley Pool has dropped AU$10 this week and is now AU$255 - AU$265 per tonne, Farm Online communicated on September, 29.

According to CBH, the decline is due to large export surpluses from the Black Sea and former Soviet Union which continue to flood the Saudi Arabian feed barley market.

A drop in freight rates, as well as the weakening Euro against the US dollar, has seen European grain more competitive in the world market, the company reported.

The CBH Group’s marketing arm, Grain Pool Pty Ltd is a specialist marketing organisation supplying grain to the major markets of the world. Since its formation in 1922 as the Wheat Pool of Western Australia, the Grain Pool has grown substantially and is now Western Australia’s third-largest exporter selling around three million tonnes of grain for an annual turn-over in excess of AU$800 million.

Ukraine: Ministry of Agrarian Policy sets minimum and maximum purchasing prices for barley

Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy has established the minimum and maximum purchasing price for barley, Zerno Online communicated on October, 1.

According to the decree, the minimum price for first class barley (for the food industry) is 1,127 UAH/t, maximum – 1,306 UAH/t.

Minimum price for second class barley (for the malt industry) is 1,090 UAH/t, maximum – 1,263 UAH/t.

Prices set for third class barley (for the fodder industry) are 850 UAH/t and 985 UAH/t respectively.

Scientific Digest

Farm-Scale Experiments to Compare Infestation and Quality Changes in Malting Barley Stored at Three Moisture Contents

D. M. Armitage, D. A. Cook, and D. E. Baxter


J. Inst. Brew. 108(2), 178–186, 2002 Comparison of changes in temperature, moisture content, infestation and germination were made in six aerated 20 t bins of malting barley. Two were at about 13.5% moisture content, three at about 15.5% moisture content, and one at about 16.5% moisture content. The grain started at between 20-25°C and, during aeration, fell at a rate dependent on the moisture content, damper grain being cooler, presumably due to evaporative cooling. The ‘high’ moisture content grain was often over 5°C cooler at 1m and 2m than the ‘low’ moisture content bins. Moisture uptake at the surface was related to bulk moisture content and trends in mite population changes were related to moisture content. Mite population achieved highest numbers at the grain surface but usually before the moisture content absorption was at its peak. They were commonest in the ‘high’ moisture content bin and least numerous in the ‘low’ moisture content bins. There were no apparent differences between bins in the numbers of insects trapped, for instance they were not less numerous in the coolest ‘high’ moisture content bin. However, the trends of numbers trapped followed a similar pattern in all bins; normally O. surinamensis Load full article, 9 pages, 299 Kb, PDF file

Barley Prices

French Malting Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.4295 October 1, 2008 
 Crop year   2008   2009 
 Parity   FOB Creil   FOB Creil 
 Position   July 2008   July 2009 
Type   Variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  160.00  229.00  176.00  251.50 
2RS  Prestige  159.00  227.50  175.00  250.50 
2RS  Cellar  158.00  226.00  174.00  249.00 
2RS  Sebastien  157.00  224.50  173.00  247.50 
2RS  Tipple  157.00  224.50  173.00  247.50 
2RS  Henley  157.00  224.50  173.00  247.50 
6RW  Esterel   149.00  213.00  161.00  230.50 

French Feed Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.4295 October 1, 2008
Crop year 2008
Parity FOB Creil
Position July 2008
Feed Barley 136.00 194.40

Prices for Danish malting barley are available
on site www.e-malt.com/MarketPrices

EURO = USD 1.4295 October 1, 2008 
Crop year  2008 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  Oct 2008 - Sept 2009 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO USD EURO  USD EURO USD  EURO  USD
2RS  Scarlett  398.00  569.00  429.50  613.50  421.50  602.50  435.50  623.00 
2RS  Prestige  397.00  567.00  428.00  611.50  420.50  600.50  434.50  621.00 
2RS  Cellar  395.50  565.50  426.50  610.00  419.00  599.00  433.50  619.50 
2RS  Sebastien  394.50  563.50  425.50  608.50  418.00  597.50  432.00  617.50 
2RS  Tipple  394.50  563.50  425.50  608.50  418.00  597.50  432.00  617.50 
2RS  Henley  394.50  563.50  425.50  608.50  418.00  597.50  432.00  617.50 
2RS   Average price  395.50  565.50  426.50  610.00  419.00  599.00  433.50  619.50 
6RW  Esterel   383.50  549.50  415.50  594.00  408.00  583.50  422.50  603.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  392.50  560.50  423.50  605.50  415.50  594.50  430.00  614.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  390.00  557.50  421.50  602.00  413.50  591.00  427.50  611.50 

EURO = USD 1.4295 October 1, 2008
Crop year 2009
Parity FOB Antwerp
Position Oct 2009 - Sep 2010
Conditioning Bulk In bags Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD
2RS  Scarlett  407.50  582.50  438.50  627.00  431.00  616.00  445.50  636.50 
2RS  Prestige  406.50  580.50  437.50  625.50  430.00  614.50  444.00  634.50 
2RS  Cellar  405.00  579.00  436.50  623.50  428.50  612.50  443.00  633.00 
2RS  Sebastien  404.00  577.50  435.00  622.00  427.50  611.00  441.50  631.00 
2RS  Tipple  404.00  577.50  435.00  622.00  427.50  611.00  441.50  631.00 
2RS  Henley  404.00  577.50  435.00  622.00  427.50  611.00  441.50  631.00 
2RS   Average price  405.00  579.00  436.50  623.50  428.50  612.50  443.00  633.00 
6RW  Esterel   388.00  556.00  420.50  600.50  412.50  589.50  427.00  610.00 
Asia Malt 70/30  400.50  572.00  431.50  616.50  424.00  605.50  438.00  626.00 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  397.00  567.50  428.50  612.00  420.50  601.00  435.00  621.50 

NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost, THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs. This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.

* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Table of the Week

Europe Barley Crop Estimate 2008

Country Year BARLEY  thereof SPRING BARLEY 
1000 ha
1000 t
1000 ha
1000 t
Austria  2008  186  51  943  101  48  480 
2007  193  42  809  119  33  389 
Belgium/Lux.  2008  62  78  481  65  49 
2007  58  65  377  60  48 
Denmark  2008  716  49  3 530  587  46  2 700 
2007  628  49  3 085  459  49  2 240 
Finland  2008  613  32  1 943  613 32 1 943
2007  550  36  1 980  550 36 1 980
France  2008  1 768  68  12 035  514  66  3 408 
2007  1 705  56  9 463  519  52  2 694 
Germany  2008  1 968  61  12 051  545  49  2 649 
2007  1 934  54  10 478  496  43  2 118 
Greece  2008  200  20  400       
2007  200  15  300       
Ireland  2008  192  66  1 265  170  64  1 088 
2007  158  62  982  141  60  846 
Italy  2008  339  37  1 254       
2007  335  34  1 149       
Netherlands  2008  46  62  287  42  62  260 
2007  45  58  260  41  57  232 
Portugal  2008  52  24  125       
2007  40  19  76       
Spain  2008  3 370  33  11 128  2 859  33  9 439 
2007  3 220  36  11 592  2 537  37  9 463 
Sweden  2008  408  44  1 801  397  44  1 741 
2007  320  45  1 437  312  45  1 392 
U.K.  2008  1 007  63  6 344  548  54  2 932 
2007  885  58  5 151  507  55  2 804 
TOTAL EU-15  2008  10 927  49  53 587  6 384  41.8  26 688 
2007  10 271  45.9  47 138  5 689  42.5  24 205 
Cyprus  2008  50  19  95       
2007  50  20  80       
Czech Rep.  2008  482  43  2 267  341  47  1 603 
2008  499  39  1 921  369  35  1 303 
Estonia  2008  144  22  317  142  22  312 
2007  141  26  372  139  27  368 
Hungary  2008  326  45  1 460  130  40  520 
2007  329  32  1 053  142  26  366 
Latvia  2008  135  20  273  128  20  256 
2007  145  27  392  140  27  378 
Lithuania  2008  351  25  889  338  25  845 
2007  345  27  1 020  365  27  986 
Malta  2008  26       
2007  26       
Poland  2008  1 175  28  3 325  1 010  28  2 858 
2007  1 235  33  4 063  1 061  32  3 406 
Slovakia  2008  215  43  920  195  43  839 
2007  204  33  677  185  33  611 
Slovenia  2008  21  42  88  35  11 
2007  20  37  74  29 
Romania  2008  401  30  1 195  163  24  386 
2007  300  10  300  160  104 
Bulgaria  2008  233  40  925  25  25  63 
2007  190  23  429  25  13  33 
TOTAL EU-27  2008  14 461  45  65 344  8 859  39  34 380 
2007  13 750  41.8  57 522  8 278  38.4  31 766 
Serbia  2008  100  30  300  40  23  90 
2007  95  28  265  35  20  70 
Croatia  2008  54  42  227       
2007  59  36  210       
Bosnia  2008  15  27  41       
2007  15  25  37       
Macedonia  2008  40  25  100       
2007  40  23  90       
Albania  2008  10  30  30       
2007  10  30  30       
TOTAL Non - EU  2008  219  32  697  40  23  90 
2007  219  29  629  35  20  70 
TOTAL EUROPE 31  2008  14 680  45.0  66 042  8 899  38.7  34 470 
2007  13 969  41.6  58 151  8 313  38.3  31 836 
Source: COCERAL, Brussels, September, 2008
Graph of the Week

These Days in Business History
29 September
1915 1st transcontinental radio telephone message is sent
1950 Telephone Answering Machine created by Bell Laboratories
1979 Gold hits record $400.20 an ounce in Hong Kong

30 September
1452 1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
1988 IBM announces shipment of 3 millionth PS/2 personal computer
1997 Microsoft Corp releases Internet Explorer 4.0

1 October
1874 Rotterdam opens drink water pipes
1888 National Geographic magazine publishes for 1st time
1898 Dutch railway Alkmaar-Receiver opens