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E-Malt.com Newsletter 03b
January 15 - January 18, 2009
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Quote of the week

"If you do not have patience you cannot make beer."
African Ovambo Proverb
Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 16-January-2009

1 EUR = 1.3153 USD
1 EUR = 0.9008 GBP
1 EUR = 1.6439 CAD
1 EUR = 1.992 AUD
1 EUR = 117.29 JPY
1 EUR = 3.129 BRL
1 EUR = 42.4331 RUB
1 EUR = 9.0042 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 16-January-2009

1 USD = 0.7604 EUR
1 USD = 0.6849 GBP
1 USD = 1.2498 CAD
1 USD = 1.5145 AUD
1 USD = 89.169 JPY
1 USD = 2.3789 BRL
1 USD = 32.2604 RUB
1 USD = 6.8456 CNY
Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Average Market Prices Change trend

January 16, 2009

Type Crop 2008 Crop 2009
2rs Barley EUR120.0-122.0 EUR136.0-138.0
6rw Barley EUR114.0-116.0 EUR126.0-128.0
2rs Malt EUR341.5-343.5 EUR352.5-354.5
6rw Malt EUR333.0-335.0 EUR339.5-341.5
Feed Barley EUR103.0-105.0 nq   

Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis. Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

World: SABMiller’s Q3 2008 report misses analysts’ estimates ...Click here
Japan: Beer shipments loose 2.7% in 2008 ...Click here
Belgium: Belgian brewers report a 4% drop in the nation’s beer consumption ...Click here
Australia: Australia’s beer industry sees positive results of 2008 ...Click here
Japan: Asahi beer reports December beer sales results ...Click here
Russia: Carlsberg beer sales in Russia flat in Q4 2008 - CEO ...Click here
Australia: ABB’s national No.2 malting barley pool opens on January, 16 ...Click here
United Kingdom: Scotland publishes final figures for last year’s barley crop ...Click here
EU: No change on feed and malting barley markets ...Click here
Australia: Barley price increases unlikely as big crop and financial crisis makes buyers behave conservatively ...Click here
United States: Hops prices stay the same despite high 2008 crop ...Click here

United States & Belgium: Anheuser-Busch InBev chooses New York for setting a new office ...More Info
Japan: Kirin makes public business approach for 2009 ...More Info
Denmark: Carlsberg announces new appointments and impending layoffs ...More Info
United States: Recent brewers’ mergers do not disturb the landscape of the retail beer businesses ...More Info
Belarus: Two breweries, including the nation’s largest one, may pass into SABMiller’s ownership ...More Info
China: China Resources appoints new managing director ...More Info
Ukraine: Corona Extra to be distributed by Slavutich Carlsberg Group ...More Info
Canada: New Brunswick drinkers dreaming of a beer war in the province to reduce the beer prices ...More Info
Ireland: Heineken to consider transforming Beamish and Crawford brewery into a tourist centre ...More Info
Go to our news database with more than 14237 articles.
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Brewery News

World: SABMiller’s Q3 2008 report misses analysts’ estimates

SABMiller plc issued its interim management statement for the third quarter ended December, 2008, on January, 15.

According to the world’s second-largest brewer, the statement also represents a trading update for the same period. The calculation of organic growth rates shown below excludes volumes for acquired businesses for the first 12 months after an acquisition.

SABMiller reported that its lager volumes for the third quarter were 1% ahead of the prior year, and 2% ahead for the year-to-date. On an organic basis, lager volumes for the third quarter declined 1%, and are in line with the prior year on a year-to-date basis.

“Consumer demand has been affected by the current global economic slowdown, and has continued to weaken in many of the group's markets. The financial performance of the group in the quarter, supported by firm pricing and cost efficiencies, has been in line with our expectations, notwithstanding the relative strength of the US dollar against the group's major currencies,” the brewer posted on its website.

In Latin America, lager volumes grew by 2% in the quarter. Lager volumes in Colombia were 6% below the prior year, with share gains in the context of a weakening consumer environment. In Peru, lager volumes were ...More Info

Japan: Beer shipments loose 2.7% in 2008

Japan’s shipments of beer and beer-like alcoholic drinks in 2008 slid 2.7 percent from a year earlier to 482.68 million cases, The Japan Times reported on January, 16.

This is the fourth straight annual drop and the lowest level since 1991, when the current data-compiling system was adopted, analysts inform.

The weak data are attributable partly to falling consumption among young people and price hikes, the nation’s top five brewers agree. One case holds 20 633-ml bottles.

Asahi Breweries Ltd. remained the industry's No. 1 for the eighth year in a row, garnering a market share of 37.8 percent, followed by Kirin Brewery Co., a unit of Kirin Holdings Co., with 37.2 percent. Suntory Ltd. overtook Sapporo Breweries Ltd. to rank third for the first time with a market share of 12.4 percent by holding off price hikes for its canned beer until last September. Sapporo's market share stood at 11.8 percent. Okinawa-based Orion Breweries Ltd. finished fifth with a market share of 0.8 percent.

Asahi's share of the regular beer market in 2008 exceeded 50 percent for the first time to reach 50.5 percent, thanks to the popularity of its mainstay product, Asahi Super Dry. Suntory saw shipments jump 10.0 percent, while Asahi ...More Info

Belgium: Belgian brewers report a 4% drop in the nation’s beer consumption

Belgium’s beer consumption fell by another 4% in 2008, according to provisional data provided by the nation’s Brewers Association, L’Echo reported on January, 15.

Each Belgian drank at least 3.5 litres of beer less last year, calculations show.

The decrease is to be attributed to the global trend towards reducing alcohol consumption. Weakening purchasing power caused at least 1% of the drop and unfavourable weather cut another 0.5 to 1% of the total Belgium’s domestic beer sales, sources comment.

The nation’s beer industry saw last year its sales volume drop below the level of 9 mln hl. In 1990, the brewers sold 12 mln hl on their domestic market. In 2007, Belgium’s beer consumption amounted to 9.137 mln hl (31% lower than in 1990).

“Fortunately, our export sales compensate year by year the drop registered in Belgium,” Theo Vervloet, head of the Belgian Brewers Association.

Australia: Australia’s beer industry sees positive results of 2008

Australians, who abandoned mixed spirits after the Federal Government's new tax last year, appear to be switching some of their consumption to beer, The Age communicated on January, 16.

A report by stockbroker Citi on beverage trends, based on consumption data from ACNielsen, shows beer sales started to turn around in May — a month after the tax in the ready-to-drink category was increased by 69 per cent.

The upturn in beer consumption in Australia is modest, running at a 0.5 per cent gain in volume by the end of last year — suggesting consumption has stopped shrinking, rather than started growing.

The quarterly report on beverage trends by Citi analysts Andy Bowley and Craig Woolford argues the upturn in beer drinking seems to have benefited Foster's Group most, clawing back 1.8 percentage points of market share from under 49 per cent to more than 50 per cent since May.

Citi's work was also slightly hampered by limited availability of Lion Nathan and Coca-Cola Amatil data, due to the former being in the middle of trying to take over the latter.

"Foster's (beer market) share gains have coincided with the change in management adding support to new CEO Ian Johnston's focus on marketing and innovation," ...More Info

Japan: Asahi beer reports December beer sales results

Asahi Breweries reported its December 2008 beer sales on its official site on January, 15.

The Japanese brewer said its domestic beer sales amounted to 204,804 kilolitres (down by 2.1% from December, 2007).

Total domestic beer sales (including the low-malt happoshu and no-malt new genre beer) were 271,150 kilolitres, 0.9% lower than in the same month last year.

January – December domestic beer sales fell by 4.4% to 1,636,575 kilolitres. Total beer sales of the given period constituted 2,308,084 kilolitres (- 3.2% yoy).

The company said among its brands the highest sales increase was registered by Jukusen: 59.1% increase over last year’s December sales, + 101.6% in January – December compared to the same period in 2007. The Style Free brand also sold better than last year (1,220 thousand cases, + 20.8% over December, 2007). The rest of Asahi brands showed lower yoy sales, according to the brewer.

Russia: Carlsberg beer sales in Russia flat in Q4 2008 - CEO

Carlsberg beer sales in Russia were flat during the fourth quarter, and it did not experience the same weakness as peer SABMiller, Jorgen Rasmussen, the Danish brewer's chief executive, was quoted as saying by Reuters on January, 15.

"We try to keep the stocking level firm all year round, only raising it at holidays," Rasmussen said. He added that the Russian beer market had zero growth in 2008 except for the premium beer segment.

Barley News

Australia: ABB’s national No.2 malting barley pool opens on January, 16

ABB Grain announced the opening of its national No.2 malting barley pool on January, 16.

ABB’s pooled grain business unit manager Anthony Fitzgerald said this second pool offered another grain marketing alternative for growers to consider.

The estimated return for the premium varieties Baudin, Gairdner and Buloke will be AU$210-AU$220/tonne FOB with Flagship at AU$215-AU$225/t.

The traditional varieties of Schooner, Sloop, Fitzroy, and Grimmett, have an estimated return of AU$200-210/t FOB.

Segregations such as malt 2, malt 3, and no retention will be available, the company announced.

ABB offers three pool payment alternatives for its barley (malt and feed) pools. The traditional harvest payment, for barley, is 60 per cent of the FOB estimate less 100 per cent of estimated costs.

The other alternatives are quarterly distributions, which will have deducted 100% of costs incurred to the time of each distribution, and a single payment alternative paid at pool finalisation (less costs incurred during the life of the pool).

ABB closed its No.1 malting pool on December 31 last year.

United Kingdom: Scotland publishes final figures for last year’s barley crop

Final figures for last year’s barley harvest were published by the Scottish Government's chief statistician on January, 14, Scotsman reported on the same day.

The production of barley, Scotland's most important crop, rose by 12.9 per cent or 214,000 tonnes to 1.9 million tonnes.

Commodity values have increased, but are still well below 12 months ago. The odds must be that there will be a reduction in the area of crops planted in the spring, with high fertiliser prices making the growing of barley on more marginal land economically doubtful, experts comment.

EU: No change on feed and malting barley markets

Participants are very moderate in their activity on the EU feed barley market, La Depeche reported on January, 16.

Sales of feed barley are restricted to very small volumes.

In the south - west, Spanish vendors are offering very small volumes for sale despite large stocks. French suppliers are trying to profit from reports on demand which brings about some small scale deals, experts inform.

EU’s malting barley market is a little more frequented, though still very restricted, it is reported.

Australia: Barley price increases unlikely as big crop and financial crisis makes buyers behave conservatively

Barley growers who have held onto grain this season hoping for a price rise are likely to be disappointed, as buyers remain cautious in the face of the global financial crisis, The Stock Journal posted on January, 14.

In the first year of the fully deregulated grain market, many farmers chose to either hold grain on-farm or warehouse it, and then look at their options later.

But ultimately, the decision by producers to hold onto grain, especially feed barley, taking a 'wait and see' approach to prices may reduce some bottom lines, experts maintain.

ABB barley trader Adam Wilkinson said there had been a lot of feed barley warehoused in South Australia.

"There is a lot more feed barley on world market than last season, particularly out of the Ukraine and European Union, which is keeping prices low," he said.

"Because of the global financial crisis people aren't buying big volumes."

Mr Wilkinson said the price of malting barley had dropped AU$40-AU$50 a tonne in the last three weeks. "There had been a high premium for malt over feed barley," he said.

"We were looking at prices of AU$300/t for malt and AU$160/t for feed. The spread is normally AU$20 to AU$30/t and it is now ...More Info

Hops News

United States: Hops prices stay the same despite high 2008 crop

According to Don Tubbs, brewing manager for the Mendocino Brewing Co, the fact that a bumper crop came in last year didn't help alleviate the high costs of the hops due to advance purchase of the crops, The Ukiah Daily Journal communicated on January, 15.

"We contracted in 2007 for the 2008 crop and so we didn't know how it was going to turn out at that time," he said. "Most breweries do that. They'll contract out three years in advance. Some of them do it 10 years."

Last year's increase in the cost of hops was due in large part to a warehouse fire and a higher demand in Asia and India for hops, while at the same time the U.S. was reducing its acreage dedicated to growing hops, Tubbs said.

And though the price of hops was the most dramatic increase, many other items necessary in the creation of beer have also seen a price hike, such as glass, chemicals and boxes.

"It's affecting the price of making beer big time," said Tubbs.

With the prices so high, Mendocino Brewing Co. contracted out only the 2008 year, so that another contract with different prices can be negotiated for 2009.

"It's looking pretty good," ...More Info

Scientific Digest

Indigenous Microbial Community of Barley Greatly Influences Grain Germination and Malt Quality

Arja Laitila, Erja Kotaviita, Petri Peltola, Silja Home and Annika Wilhelmson

J. Inst. Brew. 113(1), 9–20, 2007 The present study was carried out to investigate the impacts of bacterial and fungal communities on grain germination and on the malting properties of good-quality two-row barley. In order to suppress the growth of bacterial and/or fungal communities, various antibiotics were added to the first steeping water of barley. This study was also designed to explore the dynamics of the bacterial community in the malting process after antimicrobial treatments by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). The diverse microbial community played an active role in the malting ecosystem. Even previously undescribed bacterial species were found in the malting ecosystem. Suppression of the bacterial community mainly consisting of Gram-negative bacteria was advantageous with respect to grain germination and wort separation. In addition, more extract was obtained after antibacterial treatments. The fungal community significantly contributed to the production of microbial beta- glucanases and xylanases, and was also involved in proteolysis. An improved understanding of the complex microbial community and its role in malting enables a more controlled process management and the production of high quality malt with tailored properties. Key words: Bacteria, barley, fungi, malt quality, malting, PCRDGGE.
Load full article, 12 pages, 4150 Kb, PDF file

Barley Prices

French Malting Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.3153 January 16, 2009 
 Crop year   2008   2009 
 Parity   FOB Creil   FOB Creil 
 Position   July 2008   July 2009 
Type   Variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  123.00  162.00  139.00  183.00 
2RS  Prestige  122.00  160.50  138.00  181.50 
2RS  Cellar  121.00  159.50  137.00  180.50 
2RS  Sebastien  120.00  158.00  136.00  179.00 
2RS  Tipple  120.00  158.00  136.00  179.00 
2RS  Henley  120.00  158.00  136.00  179.00 
6RW  Esterel   115.00  151.50  127.00  167.50 

French Feed Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.3153 January 16, 2009
Crop year 2008
Parity FOB Creil
Position July 2008
Feed Barley 104.00 136.79

Theoretical Malt Prices

EURO = USD 1.3153 January 16, 2009 
Crop year  2008 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  Jan 2009 - Sept 2009 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO USD EURO  USD EURO USD  EURO  USD
2RS  Scarlett  344.50  453.50  376.00  494.50  368.00  484.50  382.50  503.00 
2RS  Prestige  343.50  451.50  374.50  492.50  367.00  482.50  381.00  501.50 
2RS  Cellar  342.50  450.00  373.50  491.00  365.50  481.00  380.00  499.50 
2RS  Sebastien  341.00  448.50  372.00  489.50  364.50  479.50  378.50  498.00 
2RS  Tipple  341.00  448.50  372.00  489.50  364.50  479.50  378.50  498.00 
2RS  Henley  341.00  448.50  372.00  489.50  364.50  479.50  378.50  498.00 
2RS   Average price  342.50  450.00  373.50  491.00  365.50  481.00  380.00  499.50 
6RW  Esterel   334.00  440.50  366.00  481.50  358.50  471.50  372.50  490.00 
Asia Malt 70/30  340.00  447.00  371.50  488.00  363.50  478.00  377.50  496.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  338.50  445.50  369.50  486.50  362.00  476.00  376.50  495.00 

EURO = USD 1.3153 January 16, 2009
Crop year 2009
Parity FOB Antwerp
Position Oct 2009 - Sep 2010
Conditioning Bulk In bags Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD
2RS  Scarlett  356.00  468.50  387.50  509.50  379.50  499.00  393.50  518.00 
2RS  Prestige  355.00  466.50  386.00  507.50  378.50  497.50  392.50  516.50 
2RS  Cellar  353.50  465.00  384.50  506.00  377.00  496.00  391.50  514.50 
2RS  Sebastien  352.50  463.50  383.50  504.50  376.00  494.50  390.00  513.00 
2RS  Tipple  352.50  463.50  383.50  504.50  376.00  494.50  390.00  513.00 
2RS  Henley  352.50  463.50  383.50  504.50  376.00  494.50  390.00  513.00 
2RS   Average price  353.50  465.00  384.50  506.00  377.00  496.00  391.50  514.50 
6RW  Esterel   340.50  449.00  372.50  490.00  365.00  479.50  379.00  498.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  350.00  460.00  381.00  501.00  373.50  491.00  387.50  509.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  347.50  457.00  378.50  498.00  371.00  488.00  385.00  506.50 

NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost, THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs. This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.

* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Table of the Week

World Malting Capacities and Needs 2007 - 2009

Capacities* (in thousand tonnes)
  2007 2008e 2009f
China 4070 5500 5560
Russia 1433 1585 1640
World excl. China and Russia 16965 17364 18214
World Total 22468 24449 25414
Needs(in thousand tonnes)
  2007 2008e 2009f
China (estimates) 2751 2919 2996(7kg/hl)
overcapacity 1319 2581 2564
Russia** 1319 1500 1500(12kg/hl)
overcapacity 114 85 140
World excl. China and Russia 15336 15480 15348(12kg/hl)
World Total 19406 19899 19844
*as of November 2008; **figures for Russia do not show normal capacity usage of 95% and present temporary closures
Graph of the Week

These Days in Business History
January 15
1928 1st fully automatic photographic film developing machine patented
1987 The New York Stock Exchange racks up daily volume of over a quarter-of-a-billion shares for the first time, as a total of 253.1 million shares are traded.

January 16
1868 Refrigerator car patented by William Davis, a fish dealer in Detroit
1951 World's largest gas pipeline opens (Brownsville Tx, to 134th St, NYC)

January 17
1792 The birthday of the dollar sign ($), as it shows up for the first time on a federal document a U.S. Treasury bond issued to George Washington
1917 US pays Denmark $25 million for Virgin Islands
1891 Walter Eucken, German economist is born

January 18
1840 Electro-Magnetic Intelligencer, 1st US electrical journal, appears
1980 Gold reaches $1,000 an oz
1989 IBM announces earnings up 10.4% in 1988