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Flash Summary

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RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Scientific digest
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
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E-Malt.com Flash 48b
November 30 - December 03, 2017

Quote of the Week

A fine beer may be judged with only one sip, but it's better to be thoroughly sure.
Czech proverb

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on December 01, 2017
Base Currency: US Dollar
on December 01, 2017
      1 EUR = 1.1849 USD
1 EUR = 0.8799 GBP
1 EUR = 1.5267 CAD
1 EUR = 1.5659 AUD
1 EUR = 133.0800 JPY
1 EUR = 3.8668 BRL
1 EUR = 69.5185 RUB
1 EUR = 7.8377 CNY
      1 USD = 0.8422 EUR
1 USD = 0.7417 GBP
1 USD = 1.2881 CAD
1 USD = 1.3204 AUD
1 USD = 112.2700 JPY
1 USD = 3.2562 BRL
1 USD = 58.4785 RUB
1 USD = 6.6108 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

December 01, 2017
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2017
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 188.50-190.50 up0.53%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 156.00-158.00 -
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 387.00-389.00 up0.47%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 347.50-349.50 up0.17%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 146.00-148.00up0.68%
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2018
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 188.50-190.50 up0.53%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 157.00-159.00 up0.64%
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 385.00-387.00 up0.32%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 346.50-348.50 up0.36%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) nq 
German Malting Barley
Crop 2017
Ex Farm
Average Malting Barley Price 188.50-190.50 up0.30%
Danish Malting Barley
Crop 2017
Free on truck
Ex Farm
Malting Barley (East) 1,284.00-1,286.00 up2.39%
Malting Barley (West) 1,284.00-1,286.00 up2.39%
Danish Malting Barley
Crop 2018
Free on truck
Ex Farm
Malting Barley (East) 1,204.00-1,206.00 up2.55%
Malting Barley (West) 1,204.00-1,206.00 up2.55%
Canadian Barley/Malt
Crop 2017
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg 294.00-296.00 -
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver 313.00-315.00 -
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg nq  
2-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg 561.00-563.00 -
2-Row Malt, bulk in store, Vancouver 587.00-589.00 -
6-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg nq  
Feed Barley, basis Lethbridge 214.00-216.00 -
Feed Barley, basis Winnipeg 214.00-216.00 -
Feed Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver 277.00-279.00 -
US Barley
Crop 2017
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Great Falls, Montana 170.00-172.00 -
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Minneapolis, Minnesota nq  
Feed Barley, basis Great Falls, Montana 115.00-117.00 -
Feed Barley, basis Minneapolis, Minnesota 109.00-111.00 -
-No change; upPrice increase; downPrice decrease versus last publication.

Click here to see our Market Prices History.

Top Industry News

Malt news Australia: Coopers Brewery launches its 54 thousand tonnes malting plant in Adelaide ...Click here
Malt news USA: Proximity Malt nearing completion of construction of its Delaware malting plant ...Click here

Brewery news EU: EU beer production rises above 40 bln litres in 2016 ...Click here
Brewery news Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia posts dip in net profit despite stronger revenue in Q3 2017 ...Click here
Brewery news Belgium: European Commission accuses AB InBev of hindering cheaper imports of its brands into Belgium ...Click here

Barley news EU: Spring malting barley prices up this week ...Click here
Barley news Argentina: Barley harvest to be later than usual this year ...Click here

More Industry News

Malt news World: More brewers start experimenting with malt rather than hops ...Click here
Brewery news Australia: AB InBev buys Australian craft brewer Pirate Life ...Click here
Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian Breweries to reconsider composition of its board ...Click here
Brewery news USA: Boston Beer’s exotic Utopias beers not helping the company out of its predicament ...Click here
Brewery news Japan: Kirin Brewery to raise prices of some of its beers and other products ...Click here
Brewery news World: Molson Coors appoints new President and Chief Executive Officer for Molson Coors International ...Click here

Graph of the week

Source: Deutscher Maelzerbund e. V.

Table of the week

World Barley Production by Country

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest


Finding an easy analysis to identify a hop variety or even the growing region has proven to be challenging up to now. A U.S. research team is currently developing a GCSulfur- Chemiluminescence method in combination with a Gertl Twister(TM) for sample preparation to determine the hop variety and also the growing region. After establishing a data library, the variety matching was proven to work. For the regional matching, the proof of concept is viable but further work needs to be carried out.


Foster, R.D.: Identification of Hop Varieties and Growing Region by Gas Chromatography-Sulfur Chemiluminescence, Poster 37

Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

30 November
1886 - 1st commercially successful AC electric power plant opens, Buffalo
1924 - 1st photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio (London-NYC)
1983 - Police free kidnapped beer magnate Alfred Heineken in Amsterdam
1998 - Exxon and Mobil sign a US$73.7 billion agreement to merge, thus creating ExxonMobil, the world's largest company
1999 - British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems merge to form BAE Systems, Europe's largest defense contractor and the fourth largest aerospace firm in the world
2005 - First human face transplant is performed in France

01 December
1878 - 1st White House telephone installed
1910 - Continuous moving assembly line introduced by Ford (car every 2:38)
1959 - 1st color photograph of Earth from outer space

02 December
1816 - 1st savings bank in U.S. opens (Philadelphia Savings Fund Society)
1901 - Gillette patents 1st disposable razor
1927 - 1st Model A Fords sold, for $385

03 December
1621 - Galileo invents telescope
1967 - 1st human heart transplant performed (Dr. Christian Barnard, South Africa)


January 2018:
26-28: Finest Spirits 2018 (Munich, Germany)

February 2018:
02-04: Brau Kunst Live 2018 (Munich, Germany)
09-12: HoReCa 2018 (Athens, Greece)
17-20: Beer Attraction 2018 (Rimini, Italy)
20-24: Great British Beer Festival Winter 2018 (Norwich, UK)
27-01 March: Beviale Moscow 2018 (Moscow, Russia)

March 2018:
05-07: 105th Brewing and Engineering Conference (Munich, Germany)
06-08: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2018 (Mexico City, Mexico)
07-10: Festival Brasileiro de Cerveja 2018 (Blumenau, Brazil)
08-10: Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair 2018 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: BeerX 2018 (Sheffield, UK)
19-22: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)

April 2018:
08-12: International Malting and Brewing Symposium "13th Trends in Brewing" (Ghent, Belgium)
13-14: Helsinki Beer Festival 2018 (Helsinki, Finland)
28-29: Zythos Beer Festival 2018 (Leuven, Belgium)
30-03 May: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2018 (Nashville, USA)

May 2018:
22-24: Beer 2018 (Sochi, Russia)

June 2018:
06-09: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Montreal, Canada)
29-01 July: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Paris, France)

August 2018:
03-05: The 22nd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
08-11: Vietfood & Beverage 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
10-11: Beervana 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)
12-15: Brewing Summit 2018 (San Diego, USA)

September 2018:
04-06: food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
12-14: 6th International Symposium for Young Scientists and Technologists in Malting, Brewing and Distilling (Bittburg/Trier, Germany)

October 2018:
23-26: China Brew China Beverage 2018 (Shanghai, China)
24-26: drink technology India 2018 (Mumbai, India)

November 2018:
13-15: Brau Beviale 2018 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

MaltMalt News Malt

Malt newsAustralia: Coopers Brewery launches its 54 thousand tonnes malting plant in Adelaide
The maker of one of Australia’s most iconic beer brands, Coopers Brewery, officially opened a new, AUD$65 million (about $49 million) malting plant in ...More info on site

Malt news USA: Proximity Malt nearing completion of construction of its Delaware malting plant
Specialty malted grain producer Proximity Malt LLC is nearing completion of construction on its new Laurel, Delaware processing plant, several local news organizations reported this week. The company said it hopes to make its first shipment of product manufactured at the site by Christmas, the Powder Bulk Solids reported on November 30.

Serving end users in the beer brewing industry, the Laurel plant has a planned capacity of 25,000 tonnes/yr of malts produced from wheat, barley, and other grains, according to a December 2015 company press release announcing the project. The company said it intends to hire 20 full-time staff at the plant.

“We really liked the site,” Amy Germershausen of Proximity’s sales and marketing department told the Seaford Morning Star this August. “It had an existing grain elevator which wasn’t the prettiest, [as] it had been abandoned for several years, but the concrete silos were sound, and it’s perfect for the various product segmentation that we want to do with malt, with our finished product.”

Proximity’s reasoning for selecting the Laurel location was its proximity to the area’s grain growers. The firm is also building another malt processing plant in Monte Vista, CO. Both sites will contain pilot malting and roasting labs ...More info on site

Malt news World: More brewers start experimenting with malt rather than hops
Heavily-hopped beers may be on the way out as farmers continue to raise the cost of their crops, according to Sharp’s beer sommelier Ed Hughes.

“The beer industry has been too hop-centric for several years,” Hughes told the Drinks Business.

“What we’re starting to see now is more brewers experimenting with traditional flavourings like malted barley.”

Hops have dominated the craft brewing for nearly a decade, but a combination of high demand and new agricultural advances could mean that the crop’s reign is coming to an end.

A new study published this week has found even more notable differences in the taste of beers malted from barley varieties than previously thought.

The researchers, led by Oregon State University, said the findings are an important first step toward a potential new market for beer connoisseurs.

Pat Hayes, one of the experts leading the study, told Eurekalert: “We started this project with a question: Are there novel flavours in barley that carry through malting and brewing and into beer? This is a revolutionary idea in the brewing world. We found that the answer is yes.”

“These positive beer flavour attributes provide new opportunities for brewers and expanded horizons for consumers.”

The news comes as hop farmers continue to raise the ...More info on site

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsEU: EU beer production rises above 40 bln litres in 2016
With EU beer production rising above 40 billion litres for the first time since the economic crisis, The Brewers of Europe confirm that the ...More info on site

Brewery news Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia posts dip in net profit despite stronger revenue in Q3 2017
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd posted a slight dip in net profit in its third quarter of the financial year 2017 despite stronger revenue, as earnings were dragged by trade offer adjustments in Singapore, The Edge Markets reported on November 30.

Net profit slid 2% year-on-year to RM42.85 million in the three months ended Sept 30, 2017 (3QFY17), from RM43.61 million, its income statement filed to Bursa Malaysia on November 30 showed. It said the adjustments in Singapore relate to provisions for trade offers of RM18.2 million, of which RM14.2 million relates to prior years.

After excluding trade offer adjustments by its subsidiary Carlsberg Singapore Pte Ltd (CSPL), the group's organic net profit grew 19.8% to RM54.7 million, driven by strong performance in Malaysia operations, it said in a separate statement.

Revenue grew 8% to RM423.51 million from RM393.31 million, as sales at its Malaysian operations grew 18%, driven by stronger demand for the group's flagship brands, Carlsberg Green Label and Carlsberg Smooth Draught.

"Premium brands like Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc, Somersby Cider and Connor's Stout Porter continued to deliver double-digit growth in sales. Profit from operations increased by RM16.7 million or 47.9% in this quarter arising from better product mix as well as effective cost ...More info on site

Brewery newsBelgium: European Commission accuses AB InBev of hindering cheaper imports of its brands into Belgium
The European Commission has accused Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s largest brewer, of hindering cheaper imports of its Jupiler and Leffe brands into Belgium from ...More info on site

Brewery news Australia: AB InBev buys Australian craft brewer Pirate Life
The world's biggest beer company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, has continued its acquisition spree of smaller craft brewers in Australia, this time snapping up the Pirate Life operations in Adelaide, The Financial Review reported on November 30.

It comes just two months after AB InBev bought Sydney craft beer company 4 Pines, as the global giant accelerates in a craft beer sector that is growing much faster than the stagnant mainstream beer industry.

AB InBev already owns the Carlton & United Breweries business in Australia that makes Victoria Bitter and Carlton Draught.

AB InBev's president of Asia Pacific South, Jan Craps, said on November 30 that the company would also inject A$10 million into Pirate Life for a new brewery for the brand because it had outgrown its facilities in the inner western suburb of Hindmarsh in Adelaide.

"With its focus on canned packaging that gives consumers fresh, well-crafted beers and consistent quality, Pirate Life has resonated with Australian beer drinkers who want something different," Mr Craps said.

The purchase price was undisclosed. Pirate Life produces about 3 million litres of beer annually, and when the new brewery is up and running that will accelerate to about 8 million litres.

Pirate Life was founded in 2014 by Jack ...More info on site

Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian Breweries to reconsider composition of its board
The board of Nigerian Breweries Plc has scheduled a meeting to reconsider the composition of the board of the second most capitalised quoted company in Nigeria, The Nation Newspaper reported on November 29.

A regulatory filing at the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) indicated that the company has scheduled a meeting of its directors for December 8 to consider the board changes.

However, details of the changes in the composition were not available. Such changes usually take the form of reconsideration of the appointments of some directors or reduction or expansion of the size of the board.

Already, the Nigeria’s largest brewer, which is owned majorly by Heineken International, has a 16-member board of directors. Heineken N.V holds a majority equity stake of about 55.95 per cent while some 111,342 Nigerian and foreign individuals and associations hold the balance of about 44.05 per cent.

There are nine non executive directors against seven executive directors currently on the board of the brewer. The board consists of 10 Nigerian directors and six foreign directors. Most Nigerians are non-executive directors. The Nigerian non-executive directors include Chief Kola Jamodu, chairman; Mr Olusegun Adebanji, Chief Samuel Bolarinde, Mr. Obadiah Mailafia, Mrs Ndidi Nwuneli, Mrs Ifueko Okauru and Mr Atedo Peterside. ...More info on site

Brewery news USA: Boston Beer’s exotic Utopias beers not helping the company out of its predicament
Boston Beer founder and Chairman Jim Koch is both one of the brewer's greatest assets and also one of its biggest liabilities. His love of craft beer is evident in his willingness to use the best, sometimes most expensive ingredients to create great-tasting beverages, but his inability to stay focused seemingly keeps Boston Beer from being able to turn its business around, The Motley Fool reported on November 25.

The introduction of the 10th edition of Samuel Adams Utopias is a case in point. A high-end beer that's only brewed every other year, it challenges the notion of what a beer can become. It's more like a fine liqueur, and at $200 a bottle is not something everyone can afford. Or get their hands on. Only 13,000 bottles of Utopias are expected to hit the shelves 2017, and they typically sell out right away.

One of the more notable features of the Utopias is their alcohol content, which clocks in at 28% by volume and makes it illegal in about a dozen or more states. To put that into context, Anheuser-Busch InBev's Budweiser is 5% ABV, the same as Samuel Adams Boston Lager, while wine can run around 11% ABV. Mead can ...More info on site

Brewery news Japan: Kirin Brewery to raise prices of some of its beers and other products
Kirin Brewery Co. said on November 28 that it will raise the prices of some of its food service-use beer and quasi-beer, and liquor products, starting with shipments on April 1, 2018, The Japan News reported.

The price hike, the first in some 10 years for the Kirin Holdings Co. unit, reflects rising distribution costs and a liquor tax law revision. The amended law, which took effect in June, prohibits sales of alcoholic beverages at excessively low prices.

The hike will affect some of Kirin’s barreled and bottled beer, “happoshu” low-malt quasi-beer and so-called third-segment beer-like drinks, and liquor-based beverages for restaurants.

Prices of bottled beer products for liquor shops will also be raised. Retail prices of large bottled beer are expected to rise by some 10 percent.

Meanwhile, Kirin will keep the prices of its canned products unchanged.

Among rivals, Asahi Breweries Ltd. and Suntory Holdings Ltd. earlier announced their plans to conduct price hikes next spring.

Brewery news World: Molson Coors appoints new President and Chief Executive Officer for Molson Coors International
Molson Coors Brewing Company announced on November 28 that Sergey Yeskov, currently Chief Sales & Customer Excellence Officer, Molson Coors Canada, has been promoted to the role of President and Chief Executive Officer, Molson Coors International, effective January 1st 2018.

Mark Hunter, President and CEO of Molson Coors, stated, “As a commercial leader with proven results and an innate understanding of what is required to achieve our First Choice Ambition, Sergey is a valuable addition to the MCBC Enterprise Leadership Team.”

Yeskov successfully led Molson Coors Croatia & Bosnia business to sustained share and profit growth before transferring to Molson Coors Canada, in 2016. Yeskov is succeeded as Chief Sales & Customer Excellence Officer, Molson Coors Canada, by Andrew Stordeur, currently VP Sales West Region, Molson Coors Canada.

Molson Coors operates through Molson Coors Canada, MillerCoors, Molson Coors Europe and Molson Coors International. It has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability North American Index for the past seven years.

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsEU: Spring malting barley prices up this week
Spring malting barley prices went up in the EU this week, GrainCom reported on December 1.

The move was mainly driven by the UK, ...More info on site

Barley newsArgentina: Barley harvest to be later than usual this year
Argentina’s wheat harvest is done by 30% with yields around 2.2 t/ha on average - about 10% lower than last year.

Although yields slightly ...More info on site

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