In March 2003 Ukraine imported 1555.4 thousand litres of beer (US$0.41 million), by 118.9% or with 844.98 thousand litres more than in February 2003, Ukrainian State Committee of statistics reported. As usual beer is manly imported from Russia (93.6% of all imported volume). Compared with March 2002, beer volumes in March 2003 declined by 12.9% or with 231.38 thousand litres. For the first three month of the year Ukraine imported 3003.46 thousand litres (US$ 0.82 million), 3.1% less then in the same period last year. In 2002 Ukraine imported 19.28 million litres of beer (US$5.66 million), 87.4% more (+8.99 million litres) then in 2001.
19 May, 2003