Germany: 6 million liters of beer for Oktoberfest
From 22 September until 7 October, the German city of Munich will be swollen by six million international visitors, travelling from all over the globe for one thing – beer, Adfero reported August 15.
Oktoberfest, the most beloved beer festival in the world is also it's largest public festival. Munich breweries will get through approximately six million liters of beer, while the hungry revelers will also devour 300,000 pork sausages, 600,000 roast chickens and 80 oxen.
Backpackers from America and Australia, Japanese tour groups and families from across Europe all mix with the locals in a show of joviality and unity that truly has to be witnessed.
During Oktoberfest, many will adorn themselves in the traditional Bavarian costume of the southern forest region while engaging in excesses of all variety.
The breweries, each of which sets up a giant marquee, will serve until 1am every night, so there is no need to rush. Savour the taste of each beer, from on of the most highly regarded exporters in the world.
Aside from the copious amounts of drinking, there will also be parades, musicals, folk costume shows and brass bands.
17 August, 2007