Bulgaria: Lomsko Pivo beer company to export 30% of its production in EU
The Bulgarian beer producer Lomsko Pivo plans to export over 30% of its production for Romania and other EU countries, the company announced, according to Bulgarian News, December 3.
There is a high interest declared from the part of the distributors from many EU countries.
To satisfy the market needs the company plans to create a branch in Bulgaria's northern neighbour Romania.
Experts from "Lomsko Pivo" have developed a project, thank to which the company is going to pay only half of the excise duties it is supposed to in the Romanian state. This is going to raise significantly the profits from the export beer.
The company has also secured 70% of the barley needed for the production of beer for the next year on prices lower than the market levels. As a result of this the both the profits and the incomes of the company are expected to rise.
05 December, 2007