Barley production 2003/2004 is estimated at 49.01 Mt, up 1.3 Mt from the 2002/2003 levels. Production is set to rise to the greatest extent in Germany (+625 kt), France (+127 kt), Ireland (+212 kt), but above all Spain (+970 kt). Barley output is set to decline from last year’s level in Denmark (-360 kt) and the UK (-200 kt). Since last month, projected barley output has been revised up by 400 kt: this takes account of a large increase for Spain and reductions for Germany, Denmark, the UK and Sweden.
The increase in projected Spanish barley production stems from the good level of rainfall received in April and the beginning of May. It could end up being even higher than this estimate if the weather through the remainder of May and the beginning of June is not overly hot.
In Northern Europe on the other hand, this month’s reductions stem from a downward revision for spring barley area (Denmark, the UK, Sweden) and for winter barley yields (the UK and Germany) due to the lack of rain in April. Meanwhile the growth in production against last year stems from an improvement in yields in Germany, Denmark and Spain and an expansion in spring barley area in France, Germany and the UK.
27 June, 2003