Austria: Upper Austrian breweries presenting new offering for Euro 2008 football championship
Three breweries in Upper Austria's Mühlviertel are preparing to quench fans' thirst in the run-up to and during Euro 2008 this June in a special way, Wienerzeitung reported March 19.
The breweries Stift Schägl, Braucommune Freistadt and Hofstetten will offer cartons of beer in 16 0.33 liter bottles, each of which will have the flag of a different Euro 2008 team on its label.
The breweries will present the new offering at the Mühlviertel Beer Festival on April 11-12 in Freistadt.
The beer will have an alcohol content of five per cent and a "light but rich" taste.
The breweries have been cooperating for some ten years.
21 March, 2008