Slovakia's Pivovar Saris brewery posted a net profit of SKK 109.7 mln in 2002, an increase of 45 % over the previous year, according to figures released by the firm, Interfax reported. Saris sold a record 1.26 mln hectoliters (hl) of beer last year, or 20 % more than in 2001. Sales of the firm's Velkopopovicky kozel fueled the increase, with Velkopopovicky becoming the best-selling Czech beer in Slovakia.
Saris is owned by SAB Miller, the world's second biggest brewing conglomerate. The brewery is part of the Plzensky Prazdroj group, which also includes Czech breweries in the towns of Plzen, Nosovice and Velke Popovice. Saris claims a quarter of the Slovak beer market.
15 July, 2003