United States: Beer taxable removals and state-by-state shipments decrease in February – Beer Institute
Unofficial national brewer sales indicate a decrease of -1.6% in taxable removals from 14,325,000 barrels (revised) in February 2008 to an estimated 14,100,000 barrels in February 2009, the US Beer Institute posted on March, 30.
Taxable removals measure the amount of beer shipped from domestic brewers to distributors within the U.S. market.
The State-by-State Beer Shipments Estimate for February 2009 decreased -1.3% from the 2008. The estimate for February 2009 is 15,716,000 barrels, the Beer Institute said.
Shipment data represents shipments from brewers to wholesalers (including imports) within the state or entire U.S. and is the best available proxy for “consumption.”
The State-by-State Beer Shipments Estimate is the cumulative total of all states. The year-to-date figures are based upon a combination of state shipment data already received and estimates for data not yet received, the association posted.
01 April, 2009