Finland: Finland travellers’ private imports of alcohol grow in the first eight months of this year
According to a TNS Gallup survey of travellers’ private imports, imports of beer, cider and intermediate products increased by approximately 25% (in terms of litres) during the January–August period of 2009 on the corresponding period of 2008, Finland’s leading brewer Hartwall communicated on September, 23.
Strong alcoholic drinks accounted for just over half, that is, 54 per cent, of travellers’ total private imports of alcohol. Beer accounted for 17 per cent and mild wines for just over 12 per cent. Ciders, long drinks and intermediate products accounted for 5, 7 and 5 per cent respectively.
Although travellers’ private imports of alcohol began to decline from late 2005, they took an upswing at the beginning of 2008 – at the same time as alcohol taxation was increased in Finland. This growth continued during the January–August period of 2009 after the new rise in alcohol taxation in January 2009. Travellers continue to purchase most of their alcoholic beverages on ships or in Estonia. During the January–August period of 2009, passenger numbers to Estonia have remained at the same level as in the corresponding period of 2008.
30 September, 2009