Export of barley from Ukraine in September 2003 came to 381,000 tonnes, increasing 4.6 times from the previous month. However this amount is 37 % less than the export in September 2002, AgriMarket reported on November 19. Average contract price for barley, exported in September was $133 per tonne, against $118 per tonne in August. In September, as well as in August, virtually the whole export of barley went to Middle East countries: to Saudi Arabia (318,000 tonnes or 84 %) and Kuwait (35,000 tonnes or 9 %). Thirteen thousand tonnes or 3 % were sold to Cyprus. Sales to other countries were insignificant.
Import of barley to Ukraine in September was just 287 tonnes, which is 4 times less than in August and approximately 10 times less than in September 2002. Almost the whole amount was supplied from Russia.
21 November, 2003