India: United Breweries’ Amalgamation Schemes approved by High Courts of Madras and Karnataka
United Breweries Ltd announced on November, 16 that the Scheme of Amalgamation between UB Nizam Breweries Private Limited (UB Nizam) and United Breweries Limited has been approved by the High Court of Karnataka and the Committee of Directors of the Company at its meeting held November 14, 2011 have allotted 145,902 equity shares of the Company to the eligible shareholders of UB Nizam in terms of the Scheme.
The Scheme of Amalgamation between Chennai Breweries Private Limited and United Breweries Limited has also been approved by the High Court of Madras and Karnataka respectively and the Scheme of Amalgamation between Millennium Beer Industries Limited and United Breweries Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors has been approved by the Hon'ble Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction.
The company shall in due course allot equity shares to the eligible shareholders in terms of respective Schemes.
18 November, 2011