USA, IL: New brewery opens in Carbondale
There's a new business brewing in one part of Lackawanna County. What started as an idea between four friends in Carbondale has become the city's first brewery since the prohibition era, reported on January, 5.
"In a comparison to any other brewery we're microscopic, so we get by with the little bit of room we have, and we utilize every square inch of it," said brewer David Oakley.
It is currently the only registered brewery in Lackawanna County and the first in Carbondale since prohibition.
Four years ago, the brewery was just an idea between the four friends and now, they are producing two kinds of beer that they have started selling to bars in the up valley and Scranton.
Brewing the beer takes about a month from start to finish, and once it's kegged, the old grains go to local farms around Carbondale. For now, the guys only have one barrel brewing at a time. It's work they do on top of their full-time jobs.
"Really, our ultimate goal is to not have to work for anybody anymore. We'll work for ourselves, be our own boss, and employ people in the area. Kind of try to boost the economy," said Johnny Waering.
The guys would like to move out of this operation, and bring big-time brewing back to Carbondale.
06 January, 2012