UK: Cobra Beer has signed an exclusive agreement with the Virgin Atlantic airline, which will carry the first 330ml cans of Cobra on all its flights between London and Delhi, Beverage Daily said on January 21. Cobra Beer is the Indian beer brand beloved of British curryholics. The decision to launch Cobra in a can – until now, it has been available only in the distinctive glass bottle – is part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to extend its international presence by diversifying into new markets, according to the company’s founder, Karan Billimoria.
Although the beer is distinctly Indian in style and presentation, it is in fact brewed in the UK, at the Charles Wells brewery in Bedford. Although it is already exported to over 30 countries worldwide, the company is now clearly preparing to move up a gear in its international rollout. Like Cobra's ingenious new bottle design, the Cobra can features six icons telling the story of Cobra Beer, from conception to production. "The can has a worldwide appeal and has already opened up new distribution channels for us," Bilimoria said.
The Belgian brewer Palm will produce the new 330 ml Cobra cans at its Browar Belgia brewery in Poland, along with 500ml cans that will soon be available in supermarkets and off-licences throughout the UK and in the worldwide export market. Cobra Beer is already one of the fastest growing beer brands in the UK, with a current turnover of £56.9 million at retail value and is available in more than 5,000 Indian restaurants and in major supermarkets and off-licences across Britain.
23 January, 2004