USA, TX: Beer remains best seller in Texas
Texans still favor beer over any other alcoholic beverage the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) reported on September, 7.
Each month, the TABC compiles a per capita consumption for distilled spirits, wine, beer, and ale.
Beer still remains king in the state, with Texans consuming 1.78 gallons per capita in August. Total tax collections on beer in the state totalled more than $8,902,000, with over 45,994,000 gallons sold last month. Beer’s tax rate is $0.914 cents per gallon.
More than 5,168,900 gallons of ale was sold in August, putting Texans at a per capita consumption of 0.2 gallons. The state collected over $1,023,400, at a tax rate of $0.198 per gallon.
11 September, 2012