Ukraine: The largest Ukrainian Slavuta Malting House produced 6.49 thousand tonnes of malt in February 2004 that is a 5.2% drop or with 0.36 thousand tonnes less than in January 2004. Versus February 2003 Slavuta increased its production with 0.7 thousand tonnes or by 12.6%, according to the State Food Department. In January-February 2004 the company output 13.3 thousand tonnes of malt, 42.7% or with 3.99 thousand tonnes more versus January-February 2003. In 2003 Slavuta Maltings increased its malt production by 16.95% in comparison with 2002. As it has been recently announced, the French Soufflet Group has bought the malting plant form BBH Company. Slavuta Company can process about 120 thousand tonnes of barley per annum.
12 March, 2004