Ukraine: One of the first five brewers of Ukraine, Efes Ukraine, is planning to increase its authorized capital with 52.506 million hryvnas to 186.693 million hryvnas by means of an additional issue of shares. (1 EUR = 6.7966 Ukraine Hryvnas) The purpose is investing in the development of marketing activity and sales. The company is to issue 52.506 million nominal shares of 1 hryvna. The final decision about the share issue will be taken at the company’s general meeting on April 7.
Efes Ukraine Company owns the brewing plant Efes-Ukraine in Odessa, which output beer brand Chernomor. 51% of shares are held by Efes Breweries International and 49% by Chernomor Company (Odessa). In 2003 Odessa based brewery decreased its production by 26.5% or with 4.587 million hryvnas to 12.705 million hryvnas. (1 EUR = 6.7966 Ukraine Hryvnas)
19 March, 2004