Russia, Siberia: In May this year Russian beer maker Ochakovo is to start building its affiliated brewery in Tyumen, Siberia. On March 30 the company started to prepare the area designated for the construction. Firstly Ochakovo signed an agreement with OAO TyumenEnergostroy for carrying out the preparatory stage. OOO Ochakovo in Tyumen, the subsidiary of Moscow based Ochakovo Brewery, was already registered on February 18, 2004. The area of construction covers 4.3 ha.
Brewing production at Ochakovo in Tymen is to be launched in the second quarter of 2006. Soft drinks output will start in the second quarter of 2007. The planned production capacity of the plant is 120 million litres of beer and 40 million litres of soft drinks. Total investments will come to US$ 40 million.
06 April, 2004