USA, Houston: Beer companies are jumping on the bandwagon, marketing light beers. Miller Brewing Company has seen sales of its Miller Lite beer grow by double digits over the past six months -- reversing a 15-year decline. Miller isn't the only company investing in the low-carb trend, Associated Press told on April 18. Anheuser-Busch introduced Michelob Ultra 18 months ago gaining a two percent market share. The publisher of Beer Business Daily, an online beer industry newspaper, called the growth "phenomenal.'' He said the low-carb trend has been the biggest news in the beer industry since light beer came on the market in the 1970s.
Other new low-carb drinks are Aspen Edge from Coors and Rock Green Light from Rolling Rock. The Houston Chronicle reports that the federal government's Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax and Trade Bureau this month ruled that seven carbs or less makes a beer low carb.
The low-carb craze is no longer just about what foods you eat. It's also about what beer you drink.
21 April, 2004