Portugal: Danish brewing force, Carlsberg N/V, is hoping its sponsorship of this summer’s European Championships in Portugal will act as a lever to boost its sales, according to press reports. The Danish company plans to turn its sponsorship of the month-long football tournament into a sales-pusher among wealthier, speciality beer drinkers.
Speaking to Borsen, Carlsberg’s international marketing director Alex Myers said: “Increased distribution of Carlsberg in supermarkets is a strategic goal. Another is to break competitors’ exclusivity among these customers. The European Cup (sic) is a door-opener to bring distribution of Carlsberg to a higher level.”
Although the brewer would not confirm how much it was spending on its sponsorship, Carlsberg expects this year’s tournament to provide it with better results than a previous effort in 2000.
Chief executive Nils Smedegaard Andersen told Borsen: “We will get higher growth in a market with higher income, and that makes the whole group more solid.”
04 May, 2004