Ethiopia: Bedele Beer to be available in steel coated cans for the first time in the country’s beer history
For the first time in Ethiopia’s beer production trend, Bedele Beer, under the Netherlands’ beer giant, Heineken, has become the first locally made beer brand to reach its customers with steel coated cans, EthioSports reported on March 22.
Various types of liquor products with aluminum or steel-coated packages such as beer, beverages, juice, soft drinks or even alcoholic drinks have been common in the international market. It has, however, not been available for locally produced products.
Numerous microbrewers are now offering their products in cans throughout the world.
The drinks and beverage production sector is one of the highly privileged areas among the manufacturing sector that has been identified as one of the government’s most prioritized sectors listed under the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP).
Beer producers and beverage companies face a shortage of bottles as the nation only has one single glass and bottle factory. Due to this shortage, most beverage companies are shifting to packaging their produces in plastic bottles.
26 March, 2014