EU: From July to January 2014/15 export licenses issued for barley total 4.3 mln tonnes
The EU granted the following export licenses from July 1, 2014 to Jan. 6, 2015: wheat (excl. durum) 14.8 (same period last year 15.1) mln t, wheat flour (in grain equivalent) 576,000 (576,000) t, durum 460,000 (331,000) t, barley 4.3 (4.8) mln t, corn 1.4 (2.1) mln t, rye 125,000 (81,000) t and oats 137,000 (129,000) t. The total export license volume thus reached 21.7 (23.1) mln t.
Import licenses totalled 7.4 (7.5) mln t, thereof wheat 1.7 (1.1) mln t, wheat flour 16,000 (12,000) t, durum 1.4 mln (753,000) t, barley 56,000 (9,000) t, corn 4.1 (5.6) mln t, and sorghum 47,000 (124,000) t.
16 January, 2015