Hungary: Beer sales up by around 2% last year, expected to grow again in 2015
The amount of beer sold by Hungarian breweries increased by around 2 per cent last year and the tendency is expected to continue in 2015, according to the Association of Hungarian Beer Brewers.
A total of 6.2 million hectolitres of beer was produced in the total of four Hungarian factories owned by the association’s member companies, Borsodi Sörgyár Kft., Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. and Heineken Hungária Zrt., in 2014. The breweries employ close to 1700 people and provide work to a further 25 000 through their subsidiaries, according to estimates. Breweries contributed HUF 66.2 billion to the country’s tax revenue in 2014.
Sales of premium-category beers increased by 23 per cent last year, and this tendency is expected to continue in the estimates of the federation, which has launched a series of events to introduce beer culture to the wider public and make quality beers more popular.
The favourable tendencies are partly due to the fact that Hungarian breweries have been devoting special importance to stable and reliable quality and producing beer that complies with quality labels, the association writes, highlighting that in its previous survey, the National Consumer Protection Authority found the taste and quality of all forty examined types of beer up to standard.
17 June, 2015