Canada, ON: Henderson Brewing announces 2016 brewery opening in Toronto
A new brewery inspired by Toronto’s beer and brewing history is now under construction in the city’s Junction Triangle neighborhood, with plans to open early next year, Canadian Beer News reported on September 4.
Henderson Brewing is being founded by general manager Steve Himel and brewmaster Mark Benzaquen, two brewing industry veterans with years of experience at both craft and macrobreweries.
The brewery’s name has a dual origin, being inspired by both Robert Henderson, who is believed to be the first commercial brewer in the town of York, with a brewery that opened circa 1800; and Henderson Street, the cross-street at the corner of Clinton Avenue where the historic Monarch Tavern is situated.
The Henderson brewery and taproom is expected to open in the spring of 2016 at 128A Sterling Road. The address is in a primarily industrial area that is currently seeing a large amount of revitalization.
11 September, 2015