Russia's largest beer maker, Baltika, jointly owned by Denmark's Carlsberg and Scottish & Newcastle, has started selling its beer in Australia. Baltika is the first Russian brewery entering Australian market. The company is targeting the premium segment with its "Baltika No. 3 Classic," "Baltika No. 4 Original", "Baltika No. 7 Export" and "Baltika No. 8 Wheat" brands, it said on Tuesday.
"Baltika will be sold in Australia's bars, restaurants and large supermarkets at a price slightly below most imported world brands present on the Australian market," the Russian brewer said in a statement. One of the most popular beer brands in Russia "Baltika No. 7 Export" will be sold in Australia for A$ 3.5 (US$2.5) per bottle.
Baltika exports beer to 32 states, accounting for 6 % of its sales in 2003. In 2003 the brewery exported 992.3 thousand hl of beer that is an increase of 9% versus 2002. Earnings from exports accounted for US$ 39.9 million in 2003 - 8% more than in 2002.
22 September, 2004