USA: Chicago Miller Brewing will apply the same discipline and focus it has given during the past 18 months to its trademark brands, Miller Lite and Miller Genuine Draft, to its economy brand, Milwaukee's Best, Adweek posted on September 29.
Starting this week, print and outdoor, from independent agency Mother in New York, will position Milwaukee's Best Light as the beer that makes guys feel more masculine, with the tag: "Brewed for a man's taste."
Executions will appear on billboards and in the sports sections of daily newspapers in 17 markets. Among the litany of slogans are "Somewhere someone's drinking water thinking that it's beer," "Camping without beer is just sleeping outside" and "Coasters are for people who put their beer down."
As was done with Miller Lite, redesigned packaging sporting a predominant blue field rolled out in retail last month for Milwaukee's Best, Milwaukee's Best Light and Milwaukee's Best Ice. The new look flags the brew's 1895 heritage and shows that it a Miller product, according to Christine Lierman, brand manager at the Milwaukee brewer.
"Consumers told us there are things they want from an economy brand, which is more than just price," Lierman said. "They want a good image and they want something that's a good tasting beer. What we're trying to do with our positioning is talk about how real beer taste makes [the 28-35 blue-collar target] feel more masculine."
Spending was not disclosed, but Milwaukee's Best was identified during the company's top-to-bottom scrutiny of its portfolio as one of the brands that needs attention. Sales had dropped 10% to $83 million last year compared with 2002. Ad spend through June 2004 was $700,000 versus no measured media last year, according to TNS Media Intelligence/CMR.
01 October, 2004