Australia: News was variable in September, but rather negative in the end. Australian barley acreage was reduced from 3.8 to 3.6 million ha, planting took place 3-6 weeks later than normal. Early rainfalls help vegetation, mostly in South Australia. But subsoil moisture is insufficient, and now it is too dry again in large parts of all barley growing areas. Western Australia was hit by a bad frost at the end of September. GPWA foresees a possible loss of 500,000 tonnes of barley, other informants are less pessimistic. AWF reduced their crop forecast from 7.96 to 7.42 million tonnes, ABB from 6.9 to a range of 6.1 – 6.5 million tonnes.
Old crop feed barley had been sold out since some time, right now the remaining stock of malting barley is selling well to China (USD 195 c+f), so that Australia will go into the new crop year with a minimal carry-over.
15 October, 2004