Russia: The holders of Russian brewery Vityaz have put up for sale 75.98% stocks of the company, the beer maker announced. Preliminary bids are to be filed till November 12, 2004. As of July 1, 2004, Anatoly Litvinov owned 27.7% Vityaz, Anatoly Farisei -7.01%, Natalia Litvinova - 6.2%, Marina Tumaeva - 15.3%, TD Vityaz-T - 8.83%.
Stock capital equals 50,178 rbl, 16,726 common stocks, 3 rbl par each, were released, Russian Journal revealed on October 21.
Now the company output about 72 million litres of beer per annum and 27.5 million litres of soft drinks and mineral water. The company also produces around 20,000 of malt.
24 October, 2004