Canada: Barley stocks decrease by 26.6% as of March 31
On March 31, 2019, stocks of wheat, barley, corn for grain, oats, dry peas and lentils were down in Canada compared with the same date in 2018. Conversely, stocks of canola and soybeans were up year over year. Lower stocks were generally a result of lower on-farm stocks, Statistics Canada reported.
Total barley stocks decreased from the same date in 2018, falling 26.6% to 2.5 million tonnes on March 31, a record low for this period. On-farm stocks fell 28.4% to 2.2 million tonnes, while commercial stocks decreased 10.0% to 306 000 tonnes.
Lower year-over-year inventories of barley combined with higher exports to decrease stocks. Low global stocks, strong world prices for feed barley, and low world supplies of malting barley likely drove exports higher (+10.3%) compared with March 31, 2018.
09 May, 2019