Spain: The Catalan brewery Damm SA has recently announced a 13.1% increase in its net profits for the first nine months of 2004 up to about EUR 30.2 million (US$ 39 million). Brewery’s profit after tax was up 12.9% to EUR 31.7 million versus EUR 27.6 million a year before. The turnover of the whole group also grew, by 15% to Ђ461.8m as the company benefited from higher sales of all its products.
The capital of Damm SA is of 43,399,333 euros, and it is represented by 43,399,333 shares with a nominal value of one euro each. In execution of a resolution approved by the General stockholders' meeting on 28 May 2003, the share capital of the Society has been increased by 1,105,765 euros through the additional emission of 1.105.765 new shares with a nominal value of one euro each.
21 November, 2004