Brussels, 19 December 2002 - Interbrew, The World's Local Brewer©, is pleased that the European Commission has cleared its acquisition of Brauergilde Hannover AG, unconditionally.
By adding the Gilde brands to its portfolio, Interbrew will further enhance the diversity and attractiveness of its product offering on the German market.
Important brands such as Hasseröder, Gilde and Wolters will complement Interbrew Germany's brands portfolio and strengthen its local platform.
As a result of this important transaction, Interbrew will bring its German platform to a leading position with a market share of 8.5%.
Last year Gilde Brauerei AG, Brauergilde's subsidiary, had a net turnover of 271 million euro and 63 million euro of EBITDA on a German GAAP basis.
23 December, 2002