Russia: A beer museum to be opened in Moscow
Russian Brewers Union announced that the alcohol plant “Ochakovo” is opening a Moscow Beer Museum. The collection has about 300 unique samples, facts from history of the barmy drink, traditions of brewery in Russia and Moscow.
The museum is ready to provide a program, including the survey of the exposition as well as an excursion to production lines and an introduction to modern technologies and main professional skills of professional beer tasting.
The idea of the museum belongs to the president of the company Aleksey Kochetov. Several years ago, in course of travel by the remote districts of the country in search for rare recipes of country kvass, the “Ochakovo” specialists found a relic icon of Saint Nicolas, who is considered to be favorable to brewers, and some wooden relics. These were given as a present to Ochakovo people by the dwellers of one of the villages in the South of Voronezhskaya Oblast. Then the idea of creating a special collection of “beer relics” arose and the icon became the first exhibit of the future exposition.
”Of course, today nobody is brewing like they did it in old Russia. In our production we use European technologies and international standards”, - Ochakovo president Aleksey Kochetov commented. “But also, being a Russian company, we pay much attention to preserving old Russian traditions of brewery and pass over to future generations this page from the history of our land”.
The museum was given a special building, equipment and a professional guide.
17 August, 2005