Canada: Primary beer distribution and sales channel in Ontario to be closed on Labour Day
Beer Store retail locations will be closed on Monday, September 5, to observe Labour Day and will resume regular operating hours on Tuesday, September 6. Customers can log on to or check with their local Beer Store to confirm hours of sale.
With the last long weekend of the summer here, The Beer Store reminds everyone to drink responsibility. The Beer Store is a proud partner of the Ontario Community Council on Impaired Driving (OCCID) and the arrive alive DRIVE SOBER(R) campaign. For more information on arrive alive DRIVE SOBER(R), please visit
The Beer Store is the primary distribution and sales channel for beer in Ontario, operating 437 retail stores, and serving 17,500 licensed customers, 600 government-owned LCBO retail locations, 113 Retail Partners, and 82 Northern Agents. Customers can choose from more than 325 beer brands from over 70 brewers around the world. The Beer Store is proud of its 77-year history of social responsibility and environmental leadership including its bottle-deposit-return system and commitment to recover 100% of beer packaging. Visit
30 August, 2005