UK: CAMRA has condemned the closing of Gales brewery in Hampshire
The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) announced on February 27 it has condemned Fuller Smith and Turner’s decision to close Gales brewery in Horndean, Hampshire, as contemptible disregard for over 5,000 people who signed a petition to keep the brewery open and more than 150 years of brewing heritage.
CAMRA Chief Executive Mike Benner said: “This is a black day for the people of Wessex who fought so hard only to be let down so badly.”
“We are appalled at Fullers decision. Thousands of supporters rallied behind the Wessex branches of CAMRA when a Save Gales Campaign was launched following the shock takeover announcement in November. But Fuller’s has simply brushed the overwhelming public concern aside and continued with its own agenda.”
“Fuller’s has made assurances that the main Gales brands – HSB, Butser, Festival Mild and Prize Old Ale – will remain. However we will be keeping a close eye on the beers to ensure they do not become seasonal or disappear altogether. It’s questionable whether ‘Horndean Special Bitter’ (HSB) brewed in Chiswick will appeal to Hampshire drinkers, or indeed whether the beers will taste the same.”
“Fullers justified the closure by saying it expects to make savings of around £3 million. This is a small amount to gain in return for destroying a century and a half of Hampshire’s heritage and dealing a blow to all fans of Gales beers.”
CAMRA campaigns against the consolidation and closure of breweries as it reduces consumer choice, quality and value for money, which is against the interests of all beer drinkers and pub goers.
After the shock announcement of the takeover was made Wessex CAMRA branches leapt to defend their local brewery by setting up a website and petition that attracted more than 5,000 signatures. Visit the website at
On November 8th 2005 it was announced that London brewer Fuller’s was to acquire George Gale and Company in Horndean , Hampshire for £91.8m. Gales brewery is housed in an 158 year old Victorian building in Horndean. 21 jobs will be lost at the brewery when it closes on March 31st
01 March, 2006