Czech brewers exported about 1.975 million hl of beer in 2002, up 6.47% from 1.855 million hl in 2001, according to the Czech Brewing and Malting Association. The result is the highest since 1993, sources reported. These record volumes are due to the fact that foreign owners of Czech brewers had included Czech beers among their flagship brands, Jan Vesely, the associations's chairman said. "SABMiller said its strongest brand worldwide is Pilsner Urquell." The Belgian brewing group, Interbrew, includes Staropramen, brewed by its Prazske Pivovary subsidiary, among its six leading brands.
Total beer production in the Czech Republic rose by 1.7% to 18.177 million hl in 2002. Beer consumption per capita increased from 156 litres to 160 litres.
03 March, 2003