The Russian brewer “Krasny Vostok”, which is finishing building a brewing plant in Novosibirsk, announced about its intention to build a malting plant near the brewery by 2005 year. Moreover, the company thinks the new malting plant will be provided with local raw material and is ready to invest about US$25 million in growing local barley. No one succeeded to grow corresponding quality barley in Siberia before.
Now Krasny Vostok buys about 80% of barley from Kursk Region at a price of 1000 RUB per ton. The own company grows 20% of barley in Tatarstan, where its three malting plants, with total production capacity of 105 thousand tons of malt per year, are placed. “Our program of agro-business development in Tatarstan supposes to invest about US$43 million till 2006 year,” Mr. Khairullin, the CEO of the company said in a statement.
Krasny Vostok is based in Central Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan city. Khairullin took the ruling of the 100-year-old company in 1996, when the brewery was producing only 2 million dekalitres of beer per year.
07 April, 2003