In Canada selection of malting barley of crop 2002 amounted to 900 thousand tons. Deliveries to-date are 650 thousand tons, and a final figure near 800 thousand tons is anticipated. Maltsters fear a loss of germination of stored barleys leading to malting problems in spring and summer, but there is also at least one reseller in Canada of a cargo of French Esterel barley, which he purchased for safety of supplies earlier in the campaign. Winter in the Canadian Prairies had been warmer than in past years. There have been rain and snowfalls during winter, more is needed before spring planting. Especially Alberta is still too dry. A larger acreage of barley is planned, but the question is whether there is enough seed for malting barley. So far official forecasters predict a normal crop. The CWB has reduced its PRO levels, basis FOB Vancouver, as follows:
Two-row malting barley: from Can.$ 247/252 crop 2002 to 211/216 crop 2003
Six-row malting barley: from Can.$ 228/233 crop 2002 to 196/201 crop 2003
The new prices correspond to US$ 144/148 and 134/137, respectively.
22 April, 2003