Russian brewing plant Ochakovo has reported 2% production increase for the first quarter of the current year in comparison with the same period last year, according to Russian Beer Union press. For the first three months Ochakovo output 152.09 million litres of beverages versus 147.86 million litres in January-March 2002. However beer production decreased by 1% in the first quarter 2003 against first quarter 2002. “That is a quite good result taking into account the hard conditions under which the brewers have to work,” said the Russian Beer Union. Starting with January 1, 2003 the government of Russian Federation increased the excise-duty on beer by 25%. As a result beer production in Russia decreased by 5% in the first quarter 2003 and accounted 140.1 million dekalitres versus 147.3 million dekalitres in the same period 2002.
Ochakovo is one of the biggest Russian brewers and was created in 1978.
24 April, 2003