Baltic Beverages Holding (BBH) has announced that it is to sell one of its subdivisions in Ukraine, malt-house Slavutsky. Slavutsky is the largest malt-house in Ukraine with planned production capacity of 80 thousand tons per year. In 2002 Slavutsky registered a profit of 1.9 million Ukraine Hryvnias (1 UAH = 0.1754 EUR). The main reason of selling the malt-house is the intention of BBH to concentrate the company’s power on its major activity – production and selling the nonalcoholic beer, said P. Peretiatiko, General Director of BBH Group in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the malt-house selling will allow BBH to obtain extra funds to invest in building new brewery in Kiev.
According to sources, five foreign companies, related to malting business, and two big financial and industrial groups from Ukraine and Russia have already made their offers for participation in the tender.
25 April, 2003