Lithuania: Kalnapilis beer wins two silver medals at 2006 World Beer Championships
Lithuanian brewery Kalnapilis - Tauras group announces that its beer Kalnapilis Original and Kalnapilis 7.30 have won silver medals in the prestigious degustation of the 2006 World Beer Championships, organized in Chicago (United States) by The Beverage Testing Institute, according to Latvian beer portal, December 13.
Kalnapilis - Tauras group is leading exporter on the Lithuanian beer market. The group in eleven months of the current year exported 490,000 decalitres of beer - 26.6 percent more than in the respective period of 2005 (387,000 decalitres).
The total Lithuanian beer export at the same time fell 17.9 percent to 1,156,000 decalitres (according to the data of the Lithuanian Breweries Association).
Presently Kalnapilis - Tauras group exports beer to the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland as well as Latvia and Estonia.
14 December, 2006