Bulgaria: Breast-enhancing Boza beer gains popularity in EU
Since Bulgaria joined the European Union, sales of Boza Ale, which claims to give women bigger breasts, has surged, according to United Press International, January 15.
European men have been purchasing the beer, made from yeast and fermented flour, for European women since the extra taxes were removed with EU participation. Bar owners and shopkeepers are also stocking up.
A Romanian man, Barmy Constantin Barbu, traveled across the Dunube River just to purchase a case of Boza Ale for his wife.
Landlord Klaus Schmidt, from the ski resort of Schladming, said he was planning a Boza-acquisition raid in the near future. He explained: "I had heard of Boza before but it was always so expensive once the tax was added. But now that's gone I'm going to start offering the drink to my aprиs-ski customers."
17 January, 2007