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E-Malt.com Newsletter 37a
September 08 - September 10, 2008
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Quote of the week

"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!"
Andrew Carnegie
Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 10-September-2008

1 EUR = 1.4133 USD
1 EUR = 0.8031 GBP
1 EUR = 1.5064 CAD
1 EUR = 1.7438 AUD
1 EUR = 152.226 JPY
1 EUR = 2.4688 BRL
1 EUR = 36.1309 RUB
1 EUR = 9.6795 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 10-September-2008

1 USD = 0.7076 EUR
1 USD = 0.5683 GBP
1 USD = 1.0658 CAD
1 USD = 1.2338 AUD
1 USD = 107.715 JPY
1 USD = 1.7468 BRL
1 USD = 25.5646 RUB
1 USD = 6.8488 CNY
Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Average Market Prices Change trend

September 10, 2008

Type Crop 2007 Crop 2008 Crop 2009
2rs Barley nq   EUR179.0-181.0 4.76% EUR194.0-196.0
6rw Barley nq   EUR167.0-169.0 2.33% EUR177.0-179.0
2rs Malt EUR536.5-538.5 EUR419.0-421.0 2.55% EUR428.0-430.0
6rw Malt EUR503.5-505.5 EUR403.5-405.5 1.22% EUR406.0-408.0
Feed Barley nq   EUR148.0-150.0 1.32% nq   

Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis. Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Belgium & China: Anheuser-Busch's stake in Tsingtao Brewery to be taken by InBev ...Click here
World: Recent beer sales mostly positive, new malthouse construction creates nervousness ...Click here
UK: Carlsberg to follow the example of InBev and Coors – wholesale prices to be 2.3% higher ...Click here
The Netherlands: Heineken to consolidate acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe inspired by growing output, sales, and purchasing power ...Click here
United States: Molson Coors looking for possible acquisitions and facing court on illegal contract termination ...Click here
Russia: No place for western beer? ...Click here
France & Russia: Malteurop positions itself on Europe’s largest beer market through a new acquisition ...Click here
EU: August malt market review: traditional holiday month reduces trading activity ...Click here
EU: Barley crops 2008 close to record levels, poor weather undermining quality in some regions ...Click here
China: Malting barley crop does not live up to the expectations, import estimates range from 1.3 to 1.7 mln tons ...Click here
United States: High feed barley prices to attract high imports from Canada ...Click here

United States: Anheuser-Busch’s subsidiary to expand activity ...More Info
World: SABMiller to target women globally ...More Info
United Kingdom: Devon and Cornwall boast of 95% winter barley crop making malting quality ...More Info
Japan: Sapporo Breweries to mark products with carbon footprint ...More Info
Australia: Grain Pool pays AU$25 per tonne of barley to its participants ...More Info
UK: Cobra Beer investors allocate £15 million for overseas expansion ...More Info
Canada: Brick Brewing settles a lawsuit and is not looking for a buyer ...More Info
Ukraine: Beer output 2008 forecasted to rise by 5.8%, whereas rising excise duty on beer will affect retail prices insignificantly ...More Info
Finland: Viking Malt announces top management changes as of September 1st ...More Info
Czech Republic: Barley crop 2008 estimates increased by 148,200 tonnes ...More Info
Australia & Japan: Lion Nathan brewery establishes a AU$340 mln billion debt facility with Mizuho Corporate Bank ...More Info
Sri Lanka: Leading Lion Brewery completes the largest repackaging in its history ...More Info
Russia: August barley exports amount to 153,000 tonnes ...More Info
United States: State-by-state beer shipments estimate for July 2008 increased 1.1%, Beer Institute publishes a review of June-July 2008 ...More Info
Ukraine & Moldova: Ukrainian brewers accuse Moldova of unfair competition ...More Info
East Africa: East African Breweries establishes a spirits unit in Tanzania ...More Info
Go to our news database with more than 13480 articles.
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Brewery News

Belgium & China: Anheuser-Busch's stake in Tsingtao Brewery to be taken by InBev

Belgian brewer InBev has agreed to take over Anheuser-Busch Cos.' 27% stake in China's Tsingtao Brewery Co. once its planned takeover of the U.S. brewer is completed, MarketWatch cited Tsingtao Brewery’s statement as of September, 9.

InBev signed an agreement with Anheuser-Busch, Tsingtao Brewery and Tsingtao Brewery's largest shareholder, Tsingtao Brewery Group Co., on the matter on September, 5, the Chinese brewer said.

Anheuser-Busch originally entered into a strategic investment agreement with Tsingtao Brewery in October 2002, it was reported.

World: Recent beer sales mostly positive, new malthouse construction creates nervousness

A certain nervousness has been created by disappointing beer sales figures in the early months of 2008, and even more so by the announcements of new malthouse construction in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, France, Belgium, Germany, U.K., Czech, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.

However, all announced additional production would be absorbed by the market, if the rise of beer sales of past years continued in future, but would become a burden in case of a recession in the beer market, analysts state.

Recent news sound a bit relaxing, a number of international brewing groups have published positive beer sales figures. Even the usually ailing Germany had a good month of July and has reduced its annual sales minus to 0.7 % as compared to 2007.

The worst figure comes from Japan; total minus in the first half of 2008 is minus 4.2 %, but the “real” beer minus 7.6 %.

U.S. craft beer output had grown by 6.5 % during the first semester and enjoys a further healthy growth since. Craft brewers use almost double the amount of malt per Hl beer than the three giant brewers of the U.S.

UK: Carlsberg to follow the example of InBev and Coors – wholesale prices to be 2.3% higher

Carlsberg UK is the latest company to point to the rise in costs of raw ingredients after announcing a price increase, the Publican published on September, 8.

A statement from Carlsberg said: "Carlsberg UK can confirm that it will be increasing its wholesale price by an average of 2.3% with effect from 6 October.

"We are committed to delivering efficiencies across all areas of business in order to absorb the increased costs and reduce the potential impact on our customers. This has been the case this year as our price increases have been significantly lower than our competitors.

"The rise in costs of such items as raw materials and utilities has been unprecedented, therefore on this occasion we have been left with no alternative.

"Customer support, brand growth and innovation remain at the heart of our strategy and we will continue with this support during this difficult trading period."

Carlsberg cited rising costs including raw materials, with malt up 50% and hops more than 100%, as well as rising utility prices.

The statement added that it had been “delivering efficiencies” across the business in an attempt to absorb the costs.

The announcement follows a similar move by Coors last week. The Carling and Groslch brewer is ...More Info

The Netherlands: Heineken to consolidate acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe inspired by growing output, sales, and purchasing power

Dutch beer brewer Heineken will consolidate its recent acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) rather than buy more breweries, Austrian news agency APA reported on September, 9.

With earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of 177 million euros (253 million dollars) in the first half of this year, the CEE division of the world's third largest brewer faced a 12-per-cent decline in operating profits.

"High production costs, the economic slowdown and unfavourable weather conditions put us to the test," Heineken president for the CEE region Nico Nusmeier said in a statement.

Experts say Heineken's Vienna-based CEE division increased its sales by 14 per cent to 1.76 billion euros in the six months until June, compared to the same period last year mainly because it bought 11 breweries in the past 12 months.

Now it was time to consolidate the acquisitions, Nusmeier was quoted as saying.

Beer consumption is stagnating in developed markets such as the United States and Western Europe, while in CEE, output volumes continue to rise as purchasing power grows and customers switch from vodka to beer, the company said.

In July and August, Heineken bought four breweries from the Drinks Union in the Czech Republic, as well as the ...More Info

United States: Molson Coors looking for possible acquisitions and facing court on illegal contract termination

Molson Coors Brewing Co. continues to look for possible acquisitions as the consolidation wave in the beer industry goes on, the company’s CEO Peter Swinburn was quoted as saying by MarketWatch on September, 4.

Without specifying what types of companies the beer giant may have in mind, Swinburn said it's in a better position to weigh joint ventures and other deals now that it's managed to pay down debt.

"There's not an awful lot out there...but we're in a better position to play that game now because of our stronger balance sheet," he said.

The company will continue to cut costs as it faces off against the soon-to-merge Anheuser-Busch and InBev.

The CEO declined to comment specifically on a lawsuit against the company by two Ohio beer distributors, but said that most U.S. players support the streamlining process now underway.

Meanwhile, two Ohio beer distributors have filed a lawsuit against MillerCoors, Molson Coors’ joint venture with SABMiller, contending their terminations were illegal.

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Columbus this week charges that MillerCoors’ distributorship terminations in the state violate an Ohio law prohibiting beer franchises from being terminated “without just cause and notice.”

The claimants are Beverage Distributors Inc., of ...More Info

Russia: No place for western beer?

Beer produced abroad is in the doldrums in Russia, Pivnoe Delo published on September, 9. The market is tightly occupied by local brands. Only Tuborg managed to enter the top twenty best-sellers, and locally bottled at that. The share of beer brewed in Europe and the US in volume terms does not exceed 0.5% on the Russian market.

It is usually assumed that redivision of the market happened as a consequence of the August 1998 default. Western beer, for which prices were at the level of Russian analogues, sharply soared beyond mass consumer’s purse.

According to Anna Krasnopolskaya, Marketing Director of the Russian Distribution company Trade House „Pivo-Vody”, very little beer was produced in the country in the early nineties. Transnational behemoths were not interested in beer at that moment yet, she said.

During that era, practically all beers were imported in Russia and cost practically the same as domestic ones. But when dollar exchange rate changed drastically, prices for imported beer grew tenfold. As a consequence, many brands were withdrawn from the market.

Viktor Tamberg, an expert in food and brand strategies, disagrees with Ms Krasnopolskaya: “I remember the time well. All Swedish and Finnish producers were present in St. Petersburg: Pripps, Spendrup’s, ...More Info

Malt News

France & Russia: Malteurop positions itself on Europe’s largest beer market through a new acquisition

The French group Malteurop, a subsidiary of the holding company SICLAE, of which the Champagne Céréales group is majority stockholder, has purchased the Russian company Belgorsolod, a subsidiary of the Ochakovo group, the French company’s official press release announced on September, 5.

Through this acquisition the world’s leading malt producer has extended the scope of its activity by locating on Europe’s largest beer market.

Belgorsolod and Malteurop are both specialists in processing barley into malt. It was decided that the new entity will take the name Malteurop Russia.

This acquisition, which comes after the group’s purchase of the American group ADM Malting in August 2008, further strengthens Malteurop’s position as the world’s leading malt producer.

Alain Le Floch, Malteurop’s Managing Director, said “This acquisition of a modern unit in Russia gives Malteurop a presence on the largest beer market in Europe. It confirms our strategy of development in a region that is undergoing strong growth, and strengthens Malteurop’s position as the benchmark supplier to the major brewing groups.”

Malteurop now has a strong presence on the world’s three leading beer markets (Europe, Asia, and North America) and industrial facilities on four continents (Europe, North America, Oceania, and Asia). The group’s strategy is a determined one: ...More Info

EU: August malt market review: traditional holiday month reduces trading activity

August has been a traditional holiday month with little activity in the domestic and international malt markets, analysts commented on September, 1.

As of September, 1, price levels, mostly nominal, for 2RS malt, crop 2008, delivery 2009, DDU breweries, are EUR 440,-/450,-.

FOB bulk in vessel in North European seaports, EUR 440,-, FOB bulk in container EUR 460,-. 6RW malt, variety Esterel, was quoted at EUR 20,- less at the beginning of the month.

There had been a small wave of domestic business for crop 2009 at prices, which were EUR 10,- higher than for the present crop, but that business dried up, when maltsters could not find barley offers for the next crop any more.

The large malt quantities sold under LTA’s have reduced the former pure sales activities very much. Brewers have covered fairly large open barley quantities under LTA’s in August, but those transactions are hardly noticed by others than the involved contract partners.

Barley News

EU: Barley crops 2008 close to record levels, poor weather undermining quality in some regions

Latest barley crop estimates for the EU-27 range from 62.7 to 64.2 mln tons, five to seven mln tons more than last year, experts reported on September, 1.

According to experts, all EU countries except the Baltic Sea region harvested large crops, close to record levels.

In August weather turned foul all over Northern Europe. Harvest progressed very slowly and came often enough to a full stop in many places.

Most of the North European barley had been planted late March or early April, and the Baltic Sea countries had gone through a long drought period in May/June. One result was high protein contents and lower yields in Denmark and South Sweden. Rains and harvest delays did further damage, to yields, colour, and finally to the condition of barley, with the appearance of splits, pre-germination and fusarium.

As of September, 1, there was still much barley in the fields in the U.K., Sweden, Finland and Lithuania, analysts therefore postponed issuing a detailed S/D for EU malting barley. But it was already possible to say that EU has a good surplus of malting barley, thanks to the French super crop.

Besides, data show that the Iberian Peninsula and Southeast Europe are self-sufficient. Some ...More Info

China: Malting barley crop does not live up to the expectations, import estimates range from 1.3 to 1.7 mln tons

China’s malting barley crop is not as good as earlier expected, as Inner Mongolia did not fulfil the high hopes for a good quality crop, experts reported on September, 1.

The country’s import estimates for the crop year range from 1.3 to 1.7 mln tons.

China already purchased around 150,000 tons of EU malting barley, mainly the variety Cervoise.

At the beginning of the month, latest paid prices CIF China were US$ 360,- per ton, Australia at US$ 410,- CIF and Canada at even higher prices did not sell yet.

United States: High feed barley prices to attract high imports from Canada

The U.S. was plagued by dryness before and locally heavy rains during harvest, experts report. As a consequence, some industries accept proteins up to 14.5 % for six- and two-row barleys, also very low plumpness.

As of September, 1, prices for feed barley exw N. Dakota have improved to U.S $ 207,- per metric tonne, six-row malting barley delivered Minneapolis is quoted US$ 321,-, two-row malting exw Montana US$ 336,- (this price would be equivalent to US$ 414,- FOB Portland).

Supplies look tight, and analysts conclude that market prices are high enough to invite good imports from Canada.

Scientific Digest

Variation in Malting Quality and Heat Resistance in the Malting Barley Variety "Alexis"

Birthe Møller, Jose Luis Molina-Cano and Lars Munck


J. Inst. Brew. 108(3), 294–302, 2002 In earlier studies concerning vigour, where subsamples are heattreated before germination there was found heat-sensitive as well as heat-resistant barley samples. The vigour model developed by Ellis and Roberts and further developed at Carlsberg, could only describe the heat-sensitive barleys. Seventeen samples of the “Alexis” variety grown widely in Europe were collected from the EBC trials in 1994 in order to see if heat resistance in barley was influenced by different growing conditions. We found both heat-sensitive samples following the vigour model as well as pronounced heat-resistant samples, but these were not divided according to growing conditions. The germination curves dependent on heat treatment and germination time were evaluated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Heat-resistant barley samples could be differentiated from heat-sensitive samples already after ½ h of heat treatment at 68°C (12% moisture) and after 3 days of germination. The barley samples were analysed with regard to malting quality. The PCA evaluation of the data divided the samples according to growing location, mainly due to differences in protein and -glucan. However, the malting analyses could not describe the differences in heat resistance and sensitivity of the barleys. The biochemical background of the heat resistance found is discussed on the basis of literature. Our findings should give an experimental basis for exploiting a biochemical principle for heat resistance, which is formed during grain filling and consumed during storage and germination. Key words: Heat resistance, malting barley quality, principal component analysis, vigour. Load full article, 9 pages, 278 Kb, PDF file

Barley Prices

French Malting Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.4133 September 10, 2008 
 Crop year   2008   2009 
 Parity   FOB Creil   FOB Creil 
 Position   July 2008   July 2009 
Type   Variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  182.00  257.50  197.00  278.50 
2RS  Prestige  181.00  256.00  196.00  277.50 
2RS  Cellar  180.00  254.50  195.00  275.50 
2RS  Sebastien  179.00  253.00  194.00  274.50 
2RS  Tipple  179.00  253.00  194.00  274.50 
2RS  Henley  179.00  253.00  194.00  274.50 
6RW  Esterel   168.00  237.50  178.00  251.50 

French Feed Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.4133 September 10, 2008
Crop year 2008
Parity FOB Creil
Position July 2008
Feed Barley 149.00 211.00

Prices for Danish malting barley are available
on site www.e-malt.com/MarketPrices

Theoretical Malt Prices

EURO = USD 1.4133 September 10, 2008
Crop year  2007 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  Aug 2008 - Sep 2008 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  540.00  781.00  571.00  826.00  563.50  815.00  577.50  835.50 
2RS  Prestige  538.50  779.00  569.50  824.50  562.00  813.50  576.50  833.50 
2RS  Cellar  537.50  777.50  568.50  822.50  561.00  811.50  575.00  832.00 
2RS  Sebastien  536.00  775.50  567.50  820.50  559.50  809.50  574.00  830.50 
2RS  Tipple  536.00  775.50  567.50  820.50  559.50  809.50  574.00  830.50 
2RS  Henley  536.00  775.50  567.50  820.50  559.50  809.50  574.00  830.50 
2RS   Average price  537.50  777.50  568.50  822.50  561.00  811.50  575.00  832.00 
6RW  Esterel   504.50  731.00  536.50  776.50  529.00  765.00  543.00  785.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  527.50  763.50  559.00  808.50  551.50  797.50  565.50  818.00 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  521.50  754.50  552.50  799.50  545.00  788.50  559.00  809.00 

EURO = USD 1.4133 September 10, 2008 
Crop year  2008 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  Oct 2008 - Sept 2009 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO USD EURO  USD EURO USD  EURO  USD
2RS  Scarlett  422.50  597.00  453.50  641.00  446.00  630.50  460.50  650.50 
2RS  Prestige  421.50  595.50  452.50  639.50  445.00  628.50  459.00  648.50 
2RS  Cellar  420.00  593.50  451.50  637.50  443.50  627.00  458.00  647.00 
2RS  Sebastien  419.00  592.00  450.00  636.00  442.50  625.00  456.50  645.50 
2RS  Tipple  419.00  592.00  450.00  636.00  442.50  625.00  456.50  645.50 
2RS  Henley  419.00  592.00  450.00  636.00  442.50  625.00  456.50  645.50 
2RS   Average price  420.00  593.50  451.50  637.50  443.50  627.00  458.00  647.00 
6RW  Esterel   404.50  572.50  436.50  617.00  429.00  606.00  443.00  626.00 
Asia Malt 70/30  415.50  587.50  447.00  631.50  439.00  620.50  453.50  640.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  412.50  583.00  444.00  627.50  436.50  616.50  450.50  636.50 

EURO = USD 1.4133 September 10, 2008
Crop year 2009
Parity FOB Antwerp
Position Oct 2009 - Sep 2010
Conditioning Bulk In bags Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD
2RS  Scarlett  431.50  609.50  462.50  653.50  455.00  643.00  469.00  663.00 
2RS  Prestige  430.00  608.00  461.50  652.00  453.50  641.00  468.00  661.00 
2RS  Cellar  429.00  606.00  460.00  650.50  452.50  639.50  466.50  659.50 
2RS  Sebastien  427.50  604.50  459.00  648.50  451.50  637.50  465.50  657.50 
2RS  Tipple  427.50  604.50  459.00  648.50  451.50  637.50  465.50  657.50 
2RS  Henley  427.50  604.50  459.00  648.50  451.50  637.50  465.50  657.50 
2RS   Average price  429.00  606.00  460.00  650.50  452.50  639.50  466.50  659.50 
6RW  Esterel   407.00  576.50  439.50  620.50  431.50  610.00  445.50  630.00 
Asia Malt 70/30  422.50  597.50  454.00  641.50  446.00  630.50  460.50  650.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  418.50  591.50  449.50  635.50  442.00  624.50  456.50  644.50 

NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost, THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs. This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.

* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Table of the Week

Grain Use in Ethanol by Country

in million tonnes 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08(est.) 2008/09(f'cast)
USA 34.1 41.3 54.5 76.8 101.7
USA Maize 33.6 40.7 53.8 76.2 100.4
USA Sorghum 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.3
EU 1.1 3.2 3.4 2.9 5.2
EU Wheat 0.6 1.4 1.4 1.6 2.8
EU Maize - 0.7 0.7 0.5 1.5
EU Barley 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.7
EU Rye 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2
Canada 0.5 0.7 1.5 1.8 2.5
Canada Maize 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.7
Canada Wheat 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.8
China 6.5 9.5 11.0 11.5 12.0
China Maize 6.4 9.4 10.8 11.3 11.8
China Wheat 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Others/unsp. 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.4
Others Maize 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.6
Others Wheat 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7
Total 43.1 55.8 71.8 94.9 123.8
Total Maize 40.7 51.8 66.9 90.3 117.0
Total Wheat 1.2 2.2 2.7 3.1 4.5
Total Sorghum 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.4
Total Barley 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.7
Total Rye 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2
Source: IGC
Graph of the Week

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1776 Continental Congress renames "United Colonies," "United States"
1822 Napoleon J K P Bonaparte is born, French prince/member National Convention

September 10
1845 King Willem II opens Amsterdam Stock exchange
1894 Londens taxi driver George Smith is 1st fined for drunk driving
1997 Discovery buys Travel Channel for $20 million