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E-Malt.com Newsletter 25b
June 18 - June 21, 2009
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Quote of the week

"The exciting thing about being a beer lover is that there is so much to enjoy beyond the sensory pleasure of drinking beer"
Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 19-June-2009

1 EUR = 1.3945 USD
1 EUR = 0.853 GBP
1 EUR = 1.5781 CAD
1 EUR = 1.7499 AUD
1 EUR = 133.874 JPY
1 EUR = 2.7665 BRL
1 EUR = 43.5564 RUB
1 EUR = 9.5449 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 19-June-2009

1 USD = 0.7172 EUR
1 USD = 0.6117 GBP
1 USD = 1.1317 CAD
1 USD = 1.2548 AUD
1 USD = 96.0016 JPY
1 USD = 1.9838 BRL
1 USD = 31.2337 RUB
1 USD = 6.8445 CNY
Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Average Market Prices Change trend

June 19, 2009

Type Crop 2008 Crop 2009
2rs Barley EUR114.0-118.0 EUR140.0-144.0 3.40%
6rw Barley EUR109.0-113.0 EUR129.0-133.0 2.96%
2rs Malt EUR330.0-334.0 EUR352.5-356.5 1.80%
6rw Malt EUR322.5-326.5 EUR338.5-342.5 1.30%
Feed Barley nq    EUR102.0-106.0 2.80%

Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis. Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Japan & Australia: Kirin gets official approval for taking over Australia’s second-biggest brewer ...Click here
Belgium: AB InBev’s supposed European assets sale commented by analysts ...Click here
The Czech Republic: Heineken’s Drinks Union brewery deepens loss, principal shareholder ready to consolidate the financial situation ...Click here
Slovenia: A 23.51% stake in the Laško brewery put up for sale ...Click here
Spain: Dutch Bavaria brewery gains trademark suit at law ...Click here
Russia & Belarus: Neighbours quarrel about beer ...Click here
Australia: ABB Grain says the work on its new malthouse will start in July ...Click here
Russia: Baltika Breweries doubles capacity of its malthouse in Yaroslavl ...Click here
United States: Malting barley prices might strengthen after harvest this fall - expert ...Click here
EU: EU’s barley exports make just 22,000 tons over the last month ...Click here

Poland: SABMiller’s Polish subsidiary counts investments made over the decade of its existence ...More Info
Denmark: Microbrewers recommended lowering their prices if they want to survive ...More Info
Germany: Barley exports in July 2008 – March 2009 estimated at 1.4 mln tons ...More Info
Ukraine: Law increasing excise duty on beer vetoed by President ...More Info
EU: Malting barley prices drop, buyers demand for spring barley only ...More Info
United States: US Facebook users choose Corona Extra as their favourite beer ...More Info
India: TVB Craft Breweries in talks to brew special beers for an Indian hotel chain ...More Info
Belize & Jamaica: Belize requested to remove its special tariff on imports and let in Jamaican beer ...More Info
Mauritius: United Breweries launches a brewing division and its flagship Kingfisher beer ...More Info
United Kingdom: Molson Coors UK marketing director to leave the business ...More Info
Russia: Banning beer ads from TV, movies and radio unlikely - analysts ...More Info
Go to our news database with more than 15246 articles.
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Brewery News

Japan & Australia: Kirin gets official approval for taking over Australia’s second-biggest brewer

Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board has cleared the $2.5 billion takeover of Lion Nathan Ltd by the Japanese brewer Kirin Holdings, Reuters cited Australia's second-biggest brewer on June, 19.

Kirin agreed in May to buy the 53 percent of Lion it did not already own. Under Australian government regulations, takeovers of local companies by overseas ones need to be approved by the government.

Both brewers hope to have the deal completed by October this year.

Belgium: AB InBev’s supposed European assets sale commented by analysts

Anheuser-Busch InBev's central European assets are not top of its for-sale list, not on the must-buy charts of rivals, and will need some sweetening to secure a deal with a private equity suitor, Reuters communicated on June, 18.

The Belgium-based world's largest brewer is testing the appetite of buyers for 11 breweries spread from the Czech Republic to Bulgaria, and may hold out for at least $2 billion.

Five private equity companies have expressed interest, sources claim - Cinven, Warburg Pincus, CVC Capital Partners, TPG and KKR.

But their interest may have been whetted more by the prospect of a favourably constructed deal than any thirst for beer.

KKR stepped into brewing by agreeing to buy AB InBev's Korea unit Oriental Brewery last month, but that was a single business and one it might sell back to the Belgian brewer, which has a right to retrieve it in five years at set but undisclosed terms.

The group of bidders, a respectable interest but hardly a stampede, might need some reassurance about a resale and some vendor financing to push the deal through.

"That's the only reason I can think that private equity guys would look at AB InBev CEE today," said a private equity manager.

Terms of ...More Info

The Czech Republic: Heineken’s Drinks Union brewery deepens loss, principal shareholder ready to consolidate the financial situation

The annual general meeting (AGM) of Drinks Union (DU), controlled by the Dutch brewery Heineken, said on June, 18 the firm's loss deepened from Kc52 mln to Kc286 mln last year and sales dropped by a fifth on the year to Kc1.033 bln, CTK reported on the same day.

The AGM decided to transfer the company's loss to the loss accumulated from previous years. The north-Bohemian brewery sold over 873,000 hectolitres of beer, down from 900,000 hectolitres around a year ago. Nearly a third of its output goes for export, namely to Germany.

According to the board, the most successful beer brands are Zlatopramen, Breznak and Louny. DU's breweries have low productivity levels, board chairman Erik Hamel said.

"As the crown weakened to the dollar, sales on the international markets also decreased," Hamel said.

Higher prices of raw materials also had an effect on the company's performance, he added.

The owner's equity was in the red last year, falling to more than minus Kc73 mln.

Despite the negative indicators, the firm is not insolvent, the board said. Brewery Kralovsky pivovar Krusovice, the DU's principal shareholder controlled by Heineken, is ready to raise share capital to consolidate the financial situation.

Heineken announced earlier this week that it ...More Info

Slovenia: A 23.51% stake in the Laško brewery put up for sale

The New Ljubljana Bank has started selling shares in Mercator and the Laško brewery on the open market after both companies defaulted on loans, B92 reported on June, 19.

The bank announced on June, 19 that it would begin selling 10.75 percent and 23.51 percent of Mercator and Laško’s shares respectively, which the bank confiscated from Infond Holding, after it failed to return a loan of EUR 130 mln before the agreed deadline.

All interested bidders can submit their binding offers up to July 10, after which negotiations will begin between the bank and interested buyers.

Priority will be given to buyers who are prepared to buy all the shares of both companies being offered.

Interest buyers must submit a bank guarantee of at least EUR 10 mln. The current price of the stake being sold by the bank on the Ljubljana stock market is about EUR 158 mln.

Spain: Dutch Bavaria brewery gains trademark suit at law

The Spanish Supreme Court has put an end to the trademark conflict between the Dutch brewer Bavaria and the Bayerischer Brauerbund (the Bavarian Brewers Federation), PRNewswire reported on June, 18.

After 10 years of litigation Bavaria has finally won this battle. This victory in Spain follows on Bavaria's recent victory in Australia.

The Bayerischer Brauerbund had argued that the trademark "Bavaria" is in conflict with the geographical indication "Bayerisches Bier". Furthermore, the trademark "Bavaria" could - in the view of the Bayerischer Brauerbund - cause confusion with respect to the geographical origin of the product.

The Supreme Court did not agree with the Bayerischer Brauerbund and Bavaria has won the cassation appeal on all grounds. First of all, the Supreme Court ruled that the protection for the geographical indication "Bayerisches Bier" does not extend to variations of that indication, such as "Bavaria", all the more since that trademark clearly differs from the geographical indication "Bayerisches Bier".

The Supreme Court concluded further that "Bavaria" is a name with a distinctive fantasy nature that does not in any way conflict with the protected geographical indication "Bayerisches Bier".

There is also no ground to oppose the use of the trademark "Bavaria" because that prior trademark had been registered ...More Info

Russia & Belarus: Neighbours quarrel about beer

In response to Russia’s banning of the imports of milk from Belarus, Minsk authorities restricted the imports of Russian beer in the country, Pravda reported on June, 17.

Officials of the State Control Committee (SCC) of Belarus claimed that 20 percent of the Russian beer was imported to the country illegally, which supposedly made the Treasury of Belarus lose several million dollars.

“The SCC is keeping a close eye on the circulation and supply of beer in Belarus. In 2002 the consumption of beer in Belarus totaled 1.7 million hl as against 3.0 million hl in 1990. It did not mean that the Belarusians reduced consumption. It meant that the rest 1.3 million hl were illegally imported and sold in Belarus,” Elena Masurnovskaya, head of the department for the control over circulation of excisable goods of SCC, said.

In her words, the Russian beer accounts for almost 70% of the total beer import in Belarus. In 2002 alone, due to the shady business practices in beer import, Belarus lost nearly Br50 billion in excise taxes and VAT. In January-March 2009, Belarus imported 27 million litres of beer, of them 17 million from Russia. This year Belarus has already lost about Br15 billion in ...More Info

Malt News

Australia: ABB Grain says the work on its new malthouse will start in July

Leading Australian agribusiness, ABB Grain Ltd, announced on June, 19 it will start work next month on a new malt house and grains packing facility near Sydney, after receiving development approval and acquiring the necessary land at Minto.

Earlier this week, sources said that ABB’s subsidiary Joe White Maltings expected to start construction of a new barley malting plant at Minto by the end of June.

ABB Grain managing director, Michael Iwaniw, said the A$90 million development, comprising a 110,000 tonne capacity malt house and a grains container packing facility for the company’s subsidiaries Joe White Maltings and Professional Grain Services (Prograin), would be built on the Hudson site which was previously part of the Macarthur Intermodal Shipping Terminal group (MIST) site.

ABB’s site, acquired for an additional A$10 million, is adjacent to the main southern railway line into the port of Sydney. MIST and related company Independent Railroads of Australia have signed a long-term agreement to provide logistics services for grain delivered into the malt house and container packing facility and, after processing, to Port Botany.

Mr Iwaniw said the facility would take 20,000 trucks off New South Wales roads by maximising rail usage to transport grain.

The Prograin facility will handle 250,000 tonnes ...More Info

Russia: Baltika Breweries doubles capacity of its malthouse in Yaroslavl

Baltika Breweries, Russia’s largest beer producer, announced on June, 18 it has inaugurated the additional facilities at its Yaroslavl brewery’s malthouse, allowing it to increase production capacity to 105 thousand tonnes of malt annually.

The construction and development of a malthouse in Yaroslavl is an important stage in Baltika’s investments policy aimed at reducing costs and preserving the high quality of products, the company said.

So far Baltika was able to meet more than a third of its malt needs by the production of its malt plants in Tula (annual capacity:105 thousand tonnes of malt), St. Petersburg (Baltika holds a 30% stake in Soufflet’s malting plant with an annual output of 110 thousand tonnes), and Yaroslavl (105 thousand tonnes).

By doubling the production capacity of the Yaroslavl facility the company will be able to cover almost half of its malt needs.

Barley News

United States: Malting barley prices might strengthen after harvest this fall - expert

Both feed and malting barley classes have enjoyed steady prices in the short term, but looking ahead to next year we could see a shortage of barley that could lead to price increases, Marvin Zutz, Minnesota Barley Growers Association executive director, was quoted as saying by Farm & Ranch Guide on June, 18.

Mr. Zutz points to a large amount of prevented planting barley acres in his state, late plantings in other areas and a decrease in world barley acreage as well.

“The northern Red River Valley was hard hit by cool and damp weather this spring. As a result, many of the intended barley plantings didn't get seeded,” he said. “Many of the acres up in Kittson and Roseau counties ended up being prevented plant acres. And some of the crop that did come up was plastered by a hard rain, so those stands aren't very good. By and large the barley crop in Minnesota this year will be less than is desired.”

The situation is similar in North Dakota, the leading barley producing state in the nation.

“It's anybody's guess if all those acres were planted, since a large part of North Dakota had the same problems we did, especially around the ...More Info

EU: EU’s barley exports make just 22,000 tons over the last month

According to FranceAgriMer’s report as of June 10, the exports of European barley have maintained the status quo.

Over the last month, the EU exported just 22,000 tonnes of barley. In total, barley export licenses issued by the EU since the beginning of the 2008/09 campaign amounted to a little more than 3.3 mln tons.

Last year, the EU’s barley export licenses stood at this time at 3.7 mln tons.

Scientific Digest

Tetrazolium Staining, Mitochondria, and Barley Quality

Dennis E. Briggs, Stanley M. Sole, and Philip Latham

J. Inst. Brew. 115(1), 41–48, 2009 Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining of individual isolated barley aleurone layers was carried out under aseptic conditions and the amount of formazan generated under a standardized incubation period was quantified. The nature of the tests minimized or excluded the influences of grain damage, ageing or contaminating microorganisms. Embryos from selected Triumph barley grains, having intensely or poorly staining aleurone layers, were grown on to maturity. Collected grain was analysed and embryos from the highest-staining progeny from the highstaining aleurone line and the lowest-staining progeny of the low-staining aleurone line were grown on to yield grain of the second selected generations. Aleurone layers of the high-staining line continued to stain intensely, respired strongly, and generated large amounts of alpha-amylase in response to gibberellic acid and embryos from these grains respired and grew vigorously, as did whole grains. In contrast, the aleurone layers of grains from the low-staining line continued to stain poorly and respired weakly, generated little alpha-amylase in response to gibberellic acid, the embryos respired slowly and lacked vigour and, like the whole grains, grew poorly. It is proposed that these results are the consequence of the selection procedure separating lines with superior and inferior mitochondria. If this apparently novel approach using TTC staining is confirmed as being valid, it opens a new way for plant breeders to select for more vigorous cereal lines. Key words: Barley, mitochondria, novel plant-breeding possibilities, tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, uniformity, vigour. Load full article, 8 pages, 131 Kb, PDF file

Barley Prices

French Malting Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.3945 June 19, 2009 
 Crop year   2008   2009 
 Parity   FOB Creil   FOB Creil 
 Position   July 2008   July 2009 
Type   Variety  EURO  USD  EURO  USD 
2RS  Scarlett  118.00  164.50  144.00  201.00 
2RS  Prestige  117.00  163.50  143.00  199.50 
2RS  Cellar  116.00  162.00  142.00  198.50 
2RS  Sebastien  115.00  160.50  141.00  197.00 
2RS  Tipple  115.00  160.50  141.00  197.00 
2RS  Henley  115.00  160.50  141.00  197.00 
6RW  Esterel   111.00  155.00  131.00  183.00 

French Feed Barley Prices. Nominal prices
EURO = USD 1.3945 June 19,2009
Crop year 2009
Parity FOB Creil
Position July 2009
Feed Barley 104.00 145.02

Theoretical Malt Prices

EURO = USD 1.3945 June 19,2009 
Crop year  2008 
Parity  FOB Antwerp 
Position  June 2009 - Sept 2009 
Conditioning  Bulk   In bags  Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety  EURO USD EURO  USD EURO USD  EURO  USD
2RS  Scarlett  334.50  466.50  365.50  509.50  358.00  499.00  372.00  519.00 
2RS  Prestige  333.00  464.50  364.50  508.00  356.50  497.50  371.00  517.00 
2RS  Cellar  332.00  462.50  363.00  506.50  355.50  495.50  369.50  515.50 
2RS  Sebastien  330.50  461.00  362.00  504.50  354.50  494.00  368.50  513.50 
2RS  Tipple  330.50  461.00  362.00  504.50  354.50  494.00  368.50  513.50 
2RS  Henley  330.50  461.00  362.00  504.50  354.50  494.00  368.50  513.50 
2RS   Average price  332.00  462.50  363.00  506.50  355.50  495.50  369.50  515.50 
6RW  Esterel   324.50  454.50  357.00  497.50  349.50  487.00  363.50  507.00 
Asia Malt 70/30  330.00  460.50  361.50  503.50  353.50  493.00  368.00  513.00 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  329.00  458.50  360.00  502.00  352.50  491.50  366.50  511.00 

EURO = USD 1.3945 June 19, 2009
Crop year 2009
Parity FOB Antwerp
Position Oct 2009 - Sep 2010
Conditioning Bulk In bags Bulk containers Bags, containers
Malting barley variety EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD EURO USD
2RS  Scarlett  357.00  498.00  388.50  541.50  380.50  531.00  395.00  550.50 
2RS  Prestige  356.00  496.50  387.00  540.00  379.50  529.00  393.50  549.00 
2RS  Cellar  354.50  494.50  386.00  538.00  378.50  527.50  392.50  547.50 
2RS  Sebastien  353.50  493.00  384.50  536.50  377.00  525.50  391.50  545.50 
2RS  Tipple  353.50  493.00  384.50  536.50  377.00  525.50  391.50  545.50 
2RS  Henley  353.50  493.00  384.50  536.50  377.00  525.50  391.50  545.50 
2RS   Average price  354.50  494.50  386.00  538.00  378.50  527.50  392.50  547.50 
6RW  Esterel   340.50  475.50  372.50  519.50  364.50  508.50  379.00  528.50 
Asia Malt 70/30  350.50  489.00  382.00  532.50  374.00  521.50  388.50  541.50 
**  Asia Malt 50/50  348.00  485.00  379.00  528.50  371.50  518.00  385.50  537.50 

NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost, THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs. This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery and technical specifications.

* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter

Prices Evolution

Prices evolution
Source: ABARE, June 2009

Table of the Week

Spain Barley Production 1998/99 - 2008/09e

  Winter Barley Spring Barley Total Barley
1998/99 986,867 2.8 2,802,433 2,548,304 3.2 8,092,835 3,535,171 3.1 10,895,268
1999/00 868,000 2.1 1,785,000 2,253,000 2.5 5,674,000 3,121,000 2.4 7,459,000
2000/01 824,218 2.9 2,397,919 2,453,807 3.5 8,665,089 3,278,025 3.4 11,063,008
2001/02 738,998 2 1,487,995 2,253,090 2.1 4,761,144 2,992,088 2.1 6,249,139
2002/03 715,893 2.6 1,851,575 2,385,631 2.7 6,510,753 3,101,524 2.7 8,362,328
2003/04 810,833 2.7 2,184,851 2,300,041 2.8 6,508,970 3,110,874 2.8 8,693,821
2004/05 800,482 3.3 2,642,800 2,369,894 3.4 7,965,900 3,170,376 3.3 10,608,700
2005/06 768,306 1.5 1,129,300 2,387,817 1.5 3,496,700 3,156,123 1.5 4,626,000
2006/07 731,061 2.5 1,854,500 2,501,684 2.6 6,463,800 3,232,745 2.6 8,318,300
2007/08 581,563 3.1 1,829,500 2,638,490 3.7 9,768,400 3,220,053 3.6 11,597,900
2008/09e 613,000 2.7 1,647,000 2,863,000 3.3 9,581,000 3,476,000 3.2 11,228,000
Source: Eurostat/Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion;
Note: Prod - Production, Yld - Yield
Graph of the Week

These Days in Business History
June 18
1840 Samuel Morse patents his telegraph
1943 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded
1948 U.N. Commission on Human Rights adopts International Declaration of Human Rights

June 19
1464 French King Louis XI forms postal service
1764 John Barrow is born, founder of Royal Geographical Society
1963 1st woman in space returns to Earth

June 20
1793 Eli Whitney patents his cotton gin
1863 1st bank chartered in U.S., National Bank of Davenport, Iowa
1867 President Andrew Johnson announces purchase of Alaska

June 21
1948 One of the world’s earliest modern computers, the Small-Scale Experimental Machine runs its first program successfully, proving that it can store data and user programs and process them at electronic speed.
1990 After decades of closure, the Budapest Stock Exchange reopens for trading.